2-3 Rounds:
5 child's pose to cobra,
3 negative push-ups (5-10 sec descent),
5 each side side lunge or Cossack squat,
calf stretch 30-60s
A. Death by 10m
Each minute as long as possible
Start by laying chest down on the ground. The first minute stand up and sprint 10 meters (if you don't have 10m cut it in half and do an 'out-and-back' 5m)).
The second minute, stand up and run 10m, lay down, then stand up and run 10m. (Yes, this is a ‘Bootlegger Burpee’).
The 3rd minute, perform 3 laps, keep going until you cannot complete the allotted number in the minute.
Once you cannot finish the amount of 'laps' in the minute, rest 2 minutes and start over at the round you left off (see if you can get another minute or two).
Scaling Guide: Get to round 9 – 14
Coaching Tips:
The first few minutes of these feel easy, but don’t worry it gets hard real fast! Take your time and even ‘walk’ on the first few rounds. Start sprinting only when you have to. If you bomb out a bit early and want to some extra work, rest for one round, then try to get the same amount for two more minutes. If you are short on time, start at minute 5 (do 5 trips your first minute). If you are short on distance, run out 5m and back before laying back down.Scoring: Unknown Type