A. "Baggage Claim"
3 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
400 Meter Wreck Bag Run (20/10) or 1000 Meter Row
10 Power Snatches (135/95)Scoring: Not Scored
* The meat of today's triplet workout will be the weighted running and moderate power snatches
* We expect this piece to take between 12-20 minutes to complete
* The big thing we want to nail today is choosing the right power snatch weight
* When fresh, you should be able to cycle at least 5 unbroken reps with this moderate weight
* Within the workout, we're looking for single repetitions with good technique throughout
* If you can easily touch-and-go the barbell, the weight is too light
* If you have to press the weight out overhead with each rep, the weight is too heavy
* Let's find a nice balance between those two examples
* The goal of this station is to carry a moderately heavy weighted object for 200 meters
* This should be a load that you can run with for the full distance
* If you don't have a Wreck Bag, common modifications include:
* Regular Sandbags
* Single Dumbbells or Kettlebells
* Empty Sleds
* Medicine Balls
* Other Available Weighted Objects
* Check out the "modifications" section for all running substitutions
# GENERAL WARM-UP [5:00-12:00]
## PVC Warmup
### 1 Minute Each
PVC Straight Leg Swings (30 Second Each) [Video](https://youtu.be/foyEIeygllk)
PVC Pass Through [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLup2Kn9INM)
PVC Lift Offs [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUT1V3H6pbU)
PVC Overhead Squats [Video](https://youtu.be/AeoiSQnrHV8)
PVC Sotts Press [Video](https://youtu.be/GV7JzekbySs)
## Snatch Biased Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Presses
5 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts
5 Overhead Squats
**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](https://youtu.be/CwWpf4B1kxM)
# MOBILITY [12:00-18:00]
## Calves Foam Roll:
1 Minute Each Side
## Lower Back Foam Roll:
1 Minute
## Barbell Throacic Opener: 2 Minutes
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/W435fWJh-SQ)
## RUN
### Banded Running Drill
We have two banded drills for today that will help us move more efficiently in the workout. With our running drill, we'll set-up with one end of the band secured to rig and the other around the hips. The goal with this is to practice leaning forward and pulling up with the hamstrings from a tall posture. The band is going to want to pull the hips back, so we have to lean forward into the tension, which is exactly what we want to feel when running. We'll practice running in place and then immediately transition into a real run for this feeling to transfer over. *See the Daily Video for a visual of both movements teaching points.*
### Movement Prep
2 Rounds:
30 Seconds Banded Running in Place
100 Meter Run
### Banded Snatch Deadlifts
Our second banded drill of the day will work keeping the bar close in the power snatch. One end of the band is attached to the rig, with the other centered on the barbell. You can even have another athlete hold the band instead of attaching to a rig. The band will want to pull the bar away from us, so we have to actively pull the weight in towards the body. This drill helps us active the lats and the posterior chain to better control the barbell. It also will help athletes make hip contact instead of letting the weight drift forward of the body. *See the visual in the Daily Video. *
### Movement Prep
30 Seconds PVC Banded Snatch Deadlifts
30 Seconds Barbell Banded Snatch Deadlifts
6 Slow Snatch Grip Deadlifts
3 High Hang Power Snatches (Pockets)
3 Hang Power Snatches (Above Knee)
3 Power Snatches (Mid-Shin)
# PRACTICE ROUNDS [25:00-35:00]
## 1 Round
*With Lighter Weights:*
200 Meter Run
100 Meter Wreck Bag Run
5 Power Snatches
## 1 Round
*With Workout Weights:*
100 Meter Run
50 Meter Wreck Bag Run
3 Power Snatches
# STRATEGY + WOD [35:00-60:00]
* The most important runs of this workout will be the Wreck Bag runs
* With the added weight, the difference between a steady run and a crawl is significant
* Move at a pace through each 400 that allows you to attack the 200 meter Wreck Bag runs
* The weight of the bag on the back has the potential to constrict breathing, which can make every movement in the workout more challenging
* Stay aware of how you are breathing on all movements, but specifically the Wreck Bag
* The 10 reps at a moderate weight will best be performed as quick singles
* With the run to follow, look to hold a strong pace between reps
* This gets you started on your 400 meter run a lot faster
* The 400's also won't be too fast knowing that we want to smash the Wreck Bag runs
* Steady 400's to follow are a nice incentive to move through these single power snatches with a sense of urgency
## Cool Down
10-15 Minutes of Stretching & Rolling
Recommended Targets:
* Hamstrings
* Lower Back
* Upper Back
* Calves
3 Rounds For Time:
400 Meter Run
200 Meter Farmers Carry (50's/35's)
100 Meter Walking Lunge
**Dumbbells:** 50's/35's
## RUN
* 500 Meter Row
* 1000 Meter Bike Erg
* 400 Meter Ski Erg
* 25/18 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
* 40/28 Calorie Schwinn Bike
* 300 Meter Trueform or Air Runner
* 30 Shuttle Runs [10 Meters]
* Sandbag Run
* Empty Sled Push
* Dumbbell, Kettlebell, or Plate Run
* Medicine Ball Run
* Increase Opening Run to 800 Meters
* Use Following Subs For 800 Meter Run:
* 1,000 Meter Row
* 2,000 Meter Bike Erg
* 800 Meter Ski Erg
* 50/35 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
* 80/60 Calorie Schwinn Bike
* 600 Meter Trueform or Air Runner
* 60 Shuttle Runs [10 Meters]
* 20 Double Dumbbell Power Snatches (50's/35's) (K: 22.5's/15's) [Video](https://youtu.be/YP_e_sndmvk)
* 20 Single Arm Dumbbell Power Snatches (70/50) (K: 32/22.5)
* 30 Odd Object Ground to Overhead [Video](https://youtu.be/kRsckQhX0is)
* 30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) (K: 24/16)
* 30 Slamballs [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXCO6_6CAlc)