May 7, 2021 – CrossFit for Health


Not For Time:
Hand Plank Hand Tap x 30
Elbow Plank x 30 seconds
Hand Plank Elbow Tap x 30
Elbow Plank x 30 seconds
Hand Plank Shoulder Tap x30
Elbow Plank x 30 seconds
Scoring: Not Scored


10 Dumbbell Rows or 10 Band Rows Standing
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats Not Scored

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May 5, 2021 – CrossFit for Health

A. "Five O'Clock Somewhere"

**AMRAP 5:**
27 Dumbbell Power Snatches or Odd Object Power Snatch
27 Burpees
27 Jumping Lunges

Rest 5 Minutes

**AMRAP 5:**
21 Dumbbell Power Snatches or Odd Object Power Snatch
21 Lateral Burpees Over the Dumbbell
21 Jumping Lunges

Rest 5 Minutes

**AMRAP 5:**
15 Dumbbell Power Snatches or Odd Object Power Snatch
15 Dumbbell Facing Burpees
15 Jumping LungesScoring: Not Scored

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April 28, 2021 – CrossFit for Health


High Knee 1 min
Butt Kick 1 min
Scissors 1 min
Scoring: Not Scored

B. "Deviled Leggs"

** 5 Rounds: **
20 Single Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
20 DB Goblet Squats
20 Single Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
10 Single Arm Devil Presses

One DB/Water bottle/Bag Not Scored

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April 23, 2021 – CrossFit for Health

A. Push Press

BarBell Push Press for load:
#1: 7 reps @ 60%
#2: 7 reps @ 65%
#3: 5 reps @ 70%
#4: 5 reps @ 75%
#5: 5 reps @ 75%
#6: 5 reps @ 75%

On a 2:00​ clockScoring: Not Scored

B. The Equalizer

Every 4:00​ for 16:00
18/15 Cal Bike
18 Single DB Push Jerk 50/35# (9/side)
12 Toe to Bar

L3: as prescribed
L2: 15/12 Cal Bike, 18 Single Push Jerk 35/25#, 12 Strict Knees to Elbows
L1: 12/10 Cal Bike, 12 Single DB Push Press (6/side), 16 Abmat Sit-UpsScoring: Not Scored

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April 22, 2021 – CrossFit for Health

A. "It's Goin' Down"

DB Hang Power Snatches (50/30)
Single Arm DB Thrusters (50/30)

After Each Set: 20 Jumping Lunges Not Scored

B. Body Armor

3 Giant Sets:
20 Weighted Glute Bridges
20 Weighted Hip Hinge (Knees on the Floor)
20 Weighted Hip Hinge (Stand)
Scoring: Not Scored

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April 20, 2021 – CrossFit for Health


8 Lateral Burpee Over Dumbbell
10 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50/35#) (24/20")
12 Single-Arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerk (50/35#)
Scoring: Not Scored

* A "grunt work" workout. Faster rounds than yesterday, but with simpler movements.
* Rounds will average ~2:00
* We are looking for our athletes to aim for 5-7 rounds
* Three relatively simple movements, but challenging when combined.
* The Lateral Burpee Over DB and DB Box Step-Over are quite similar in terms of hip function. This constant flexion of the hip will create havoc on the spine. This is a hot spot to watch for.

* Two-feet leave the ground at the same time.

* Performed with one dumbbell supported in any appropriate style (i.e., by the side; on the shoulder; in the front rack with both hands, etc.)
* Although only 10 reps, with the fast turnover it will get grippy quick. Consider having your athletes take deliberate :5 breaks.

* One dumbbell – ground to shoulder to overhead
* Perform 6 reps on the right side and 6 reps on the left side. Athletes can manage the reps however they like, as long as 6 are performed on each side every round.
* Coming off the DB Box Step-Over, grip may become a factor. Consider having your athletes use a hook grip and/or flash open the fingers (loosen the grip slightly), as the DB is being lowered from the shoulder to the ground.
# GENERAL WARM-UP [3:00-10:00]
* 50 Jumping Jacks
* 10 Ankle Rocks (each side) [Video](
* 5 Active Samson + Air Squat (each side) [Video](
* 30 Mini Tuck Jumps (we're still getting warm, knees lower)
* 10 Single Arm Dumbbells (both hands on head of DB's)
* 10 Kang Squats (good morning to squat to stand)

### Focus: Lift the Hips with the Shoulders
* When pressing up out of the burpee, lift the hips and shoulders together.
* It helps to keep the knees on the ground while do this, and then jump or step the feet in.

### Movement Practice – Coach Led [10:00-14:00]
* 3-5 Push-Ups (on the knees) – focus on having hips and shoulders rise together
* 3 Burpees – practicing hips and shoulders rising
* 6 Lateral Hops Over the DB (or steps)
* 4 Lateral Burpee Over the DB (or step)

### Focus: Chest Away From Thighs
[Daily Video](
* Hard to do when tired, but focus on not allowing the chest to collapse on the thighs when stepping up. Over time, this will add up and the back may become sore. It will make contact, but we want to avoid surrendering. In the video, we do not go over the box, but in the workout, the movement is to cross-over the box.

### Movement Practice – Coach Led [14:00-19:00]
* 5 Single-Leg Box Step-Ups
* 5 Step-Ups
* 5 Dumbbell Step-Ups (light weight or game weight if not heavy)
(The dumbbell can be held in any style – two-hand front rack; by the side; on the shoulder. Just be sure to keep a full grip on the handle)

### Focus: Fast Elbows-Fast Hips-Fast Elbows!!!
* During the Clean – After the shrug, pull the elbow back, down, and through FAST! "Fast Elbows"
* During the Jerk -Straighten the hips, then straighten the elbow FAST aka "Fast hips Up-Fast Elbows Up"

### Movement Practice – Coach Led (19:00-26:00)
* 10 Single-Arm DB Deadlift (5 right/5 left)
* 5 Hang Power Clean (5 right/5 left) -"Fast Hips-Fast Elbows"
* 5 Push Jerk (5 right/5 left) – "Fast Hips Up-Fast Elbows Up"
* 5 Single-Arm Clean & Jerk (5 right/5 left) "Fast Hips Up-Fast Elbows Forward-Fast Hips Up-Fast Elbows Up"

## 1 Round
*With Workout Weight:*
4 Burpee Over Dumbbell
6 DB Box Step-Up
8 Single-Arm DB Clean & Jerk

# STRATEGY + WOD [32:00-44:00]
* Try to not rest at the bottom of the Burpee – it's hard to breathe when the chest is on the ground.
* Catch a quick breath after jumping over the DB, then hands down!
* Be proud when stepping on the box! The chest will drop, but try not let it collapse onto the legs
* Once the arm starts to fatigue, switch sides, and repeat until all 12-reps are complete. Remember, the opposite arm is usually raring to go!

# COOL-DOWN [44:00-59:00)
* :30 Calf Stretch on Post/Box (each side) [Video](
* 1:00 Happy Baby [Video](
* :30 Figure 4 Stretch (each side) [Video](
* 1:00 Foam Roll – Lower Back

## 10:00 for Gymnastics Pressing Stamina (Uppahhh Body Pump)
3-5 Rounds Not For Time:
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups (or Strict Dumbbell Press)
5 Strict Ring Dips (or Jumping Ring Dip w/ :2 pause at the top)
5 Push-ups (or Push-Ups w/ knees on the floor)
(*Ring Dips can also be performed as a Bench or Box Dip)

# ACCESSORY – Recovery Run (outside of class time)
Not For Time:
Run 30:00

12:00 AMRAP:
8 Burpee Over an Object
10 Step-Ups (w/ household item) or Reverse Lunges
12 Single Arm DB Clean & Jerk
(if the DB is light, do a muscle clean and strict press)

24:00 AMRAP: Partnered
8 Lateral Burpee Over Dumbbell
10 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50/35) (24/20")
12 Single-Arm Dumbbell Clean & Jerk (50/35)

* Partner 1. completes a full round / Partner 2. Rests
* Switch

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