FBB+Lightweight Metcon
Functional Body Building
A. Alternating Sets: Barbell Good Morning, Ring Dip
6 sets, starting a set every 90 seconds, of:
A1. 7 Barbell Good Mornings (3011 tempo)
7 Barbell Good Mornings (3011 tempo)
7 Barbell Good Mornings (3011 tempo)
5 Barbell Good Mornings (3011 tempo)
5 Barbell Good Mornings (3011 tempo)
5 Barbell Good Mornings (3011 tempo)
A2. 7 Ring Dips (2111 tempo)
7 Ring Dips (2111 tempo)
7 Ring Dips (2111 tempo)
5 Ring Dips (2111 tempo)
5 Ring Dips (2111 tempo)
5 Ring Dips (2111 tempo)
B. Prowler Push 6 Sets
Prowler Push
– 6 sets of
Rest as needed
C. 15 minute AMRAP of Running, Kettlebell Swings, and Pull-Ups
As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 15 minutes:
– Run 200 meters
– 15 Kettlebell Swings
– 5 Pull-Ups
– Rest for 1 minute