A. Home Time!
MIN 1 – 20 Backpack Thrusters
MIN 2 – 10 Burpees Over Backpack
MIN 3 – 15 Backpack Sit-upsScoring: Not Scored
MIN 1 – 20 Backpack Thrusters
MIN 2 – 10 Burpees Over Backpack
MIN 3 – 15 Backpack Sit-upsScoring: Not Scored
40 Air Squats
20 Push-ups
10 Reverse Burpees
*Every 2 Minutes (Starting at 0): 40 Lateral Line HopsScoring: Not Scored
Reverse Burpees
Lateral Line Hops
Warm Up
2-4 rounds:
5 per side lunge, 5 reps of superman hold with reach (bring elbows to sides and reach out as far as possible),
5 inch worms,
5 per side lunge pushing knee forward with heel on the ground,
5 per side single leg glute bridge,
30s in the bottom of a Squat with elbows pushing knees out
4 rounds for time: (Time Cap 30min)
20 High Knees (10 per leg),
20 Jumping Jacks
20 High Knees (10 per leg)
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Squat Jumps
15 Burpees
15 Glute Bridges
10 Side Lunges -5L/5R alternating-
15 Up Downs with Shoulder Tap (tap each shoulder once when in plank)
Scaling Guide: 24 – 34 minutes, about 6-7 min per round. Scale Up: 5 rounds.
Coaching Tips: This is a long one! Pace the first couple rounds accordingly (do not sprint). Make sure you hit full depth on the Squat Jumps. Keep the feet close to your hips on the Glute Bridges to activate more glute and make sure you fully open the hips at the top. Go as low as possible on the Side Lunges, but make sure your knee is tracking over the foot (not way out in front or caving to the inside).Scoring: Not Scored
Dynamic Warm Up Option:
90s Jumping Jacks.
Then 3 rounds: 5 Side Lunges per side, 5 Single Arm Ring Row / Towel Row per side, 10 Glute Bridges, 10 Push Ups with Reach, 10 Sit Ups
Mobility/Activation/Prehab: Hip
Workout: Min 10 – 35
In 9 minutes, 2 min rest, 9 minutes again
25 Ring/Towel Rows or 15 Door Pull Ups
Then max rounds with the remaining time:
10 Sprinter Lunges -5L/5R-
8 Burpees
15 Compass Shuffle Jumps
2 min rest. Repeat
Scaling Guide: Scaling Guide: 5 – 9 rounds, about 90 sec to do the Towel Rows and then 1.5 min per round.Scoring: Not Scored
“Legolas Greenleaf”
AMRAP in 15 min
8 Up Down Kick Throughs
12 Alternating Reverse Lunges -6L/6R-
100m Sprint or 30 Jumping Jacks, 3 Burpees
Scaling Guide: 5 – 8 rounds, about 2 min per round.
A 'Up Down Kick Through' is where you drop to a plank, then kick your right leg under you to the left while balancing on the right hand. Then kicking the left leg out to the right while balancing on the left hand. No Push Up before coming back to a standing position. Take your time on these and stay in control. You may jump between Lunges, but come to a full hip open at the top. Push hard ont the sprint to get extra intensity (if desired).Scoring: Not Scored
Dynamic Warm Up Option: 2 min Jumping Jacks
then 3 sets of
5 10-Second Down/10-Second Up Squats,
10 Dive Bomber Push Ups, 2 Crab Bridges,
3 per side Spiderman Lunges,
5 per side Toy Soldiers
5 Cycles (2 min work, 2 min work, 1 min rest):
2 Min (for rounds):
6 Pike Push Ups or 3 Strict HSPU
14 Back Elevated Glute Bridge (Explosive) aka 'Hip Thrust'
2 Min (for rounds):
6 Up Downs Plank
14 Jumping Jacks
1 min Rest
Scaling Guide: 24 min total. 18 – 26 rounds, about 4 rounds per cycle. Scale Up: 3" deficit HSPU, and loaded Glute Bridges
Coaching Tips: Take your time on the first cycle and focus on strict form with slow eccentrics (negatives). Focus on driving through the heels and really opening the hips on the Hip Thrusts (keep the back flat). Go hard on the second cycle because of the rest right after.Scoring: Not Scored
Dynamic Warm Up Option: 2 min Jumping Jacks
then 3 sets of
5 10-Second Down/10-Second Up Squats,
10 Dive Bomber Push Ups, 2 Crab Bridges,
3 per side Spiderman Lunges,
5 per side Toy Soldiers
5 Cycles (2 min work, 2 min work, 1 min rest):
2 Min (for rounds):
6 Pike Push Ups or Strict HSPU (3 to 2-inch thick pad*/5)
14 Back Elevated Glute Bridge (Explosive) aka 'Hip Thrust'
2 Min (for rounds):
6 Up Downs
14 Jumping Jacks
1 min Rest
Scaling Guide: 24 min total. 18 – 26 rounds, about 4 rounds per cycle. Scale Up: 3" deficit HSPU, and loaded Glute Bridges
Coaching Tips: Take your time on the first cycle and focus on strict form with slow eccentrics (negatives). Focus on driving through the heels and really opening the hips on the Hip Thrusts (keep the back flat). Go hard on the second cycle because of the rest right after.Scoring: Not Scored
Dynamic Warm Up Option:
2 min Run in Place;
then 3 sets: 5L/5R Side Lunge,
10 Plank Knee to Elbow (alternate sides),
10 Big Arm Circles (each way), 30s per side Side Plank
"Street Food"
AMRAP in 10 min x 2
6 Pistols -alternate as desired
6 Pike Push Ups
60 Lateral Hops
(After 10 min) 2 min Rest, then Repeat
INTERMISSION: At one point during each 10 minutes, stop and do 2 Turkish Get Ups per side (use anything loaded or unloaded that will give you a medium amount of challenge)
Scaling Guide: 8 – 12 rounds, about 1:10 per round and 45s for the Intermission.
Scale Up: Kipping HSPU instead of Pike PU, 60s of Crab Bridge during rest.
Coaching Tips: With the small sets, it is important to move fast between the transitions. Focus on pushing through the heel on the Pistols/Step Ups. Make sure you hit lock out on the Pike Push Ups (shoulders fully extended). It is recommended you stop for your Intermission between min 3 and 7. Slow down and take your time on the TGU, then get back to where you left off.Scoring: Not Scored
Meet at 6PM for a LIVE WORKOUT
Warm Up an and Skill: Min 00 – 15
Dynamic Warm Up Option: 4 rounds: 8 Ring/Towel Rows, 8 Push Ups, 8L/8R Reverse Lunge, 8 Single Leg Glute Bridge, 3 Inch Worms
Mobility/Activation/Prehab: Shoulder
Skill Practice Warm Up / Strength: Spend 8 minutes working on Handstand and Strict Handstand Push Up Progressions Workout: Min 15 – 35
No Equipment Workout: "30s Barbara"
3 rounds, 30 secs per station, 2 min rest, then 3 rounds again
30 seconds – Towel Row or Door Pull Up
30 seconds – Push Up
30 seconds – Sit Up (Butterfly)
30 seconds – Air Squat
Scaling Guide: 240 – 420 reps, about 50-60 reps per round. Scale Up: Perform 60s of Planks during the rest (front, side, etc.). Scale Up: 60s of Handstands during the rest
Coaching Tips: Make sure you are thoroughly warmed up and practiced each movement for this one because there won’t be time to ‘get into the groove’. Move fast but keep your reps legit. Try to maximize your best movement and do damage control on your 'worst' movement.Scoring: Not Scored
Warm Up an and Skill: Min 00 – 15
Dynamic Warm Up Option: 4 rounds: 8 Ring/Towel Rows, 8 Push Ups, 8L/8R Reverse Lunge, 8 Single Leg Glute Bridge, 3 Inch Worms
Mobility/Activation/Prehab: Shoulder
Skill Practice Warm Up / Strength: Spend 8 minutes working on Handstand and Strict Handstand Push Up Progressions Workout: Min 15 – 35
No Equipment Workout: "30s Barbara"
3 rounds, 30 secs per station, 2 min rest, then 3 rounds again
30 seconds – Towel Row or Door Pull Up
30 seconds – Push Up
30 seconds – Sit Up (Butterfly)
30 seconds – Air Squat
Scaling Guide: 240 – 420 reps, about 50-60 reps per round. Scale Up: Perform 60s of Planks during the rest (front, side, etc.). Scale Up: 60s of Handstands during the rest
Coaching Tips: Make sure you are thoroughly warmed up and practiced each movement for this one because there won’t be time to ‘get into the groove’. Move fast but keep your reps legit. Try to maximize your best movement and do damage control on your 'worst' movement.Scoring: Not Scored