30s x 40 sets
8 Rounds
30s Rowing/Bike
Rest 30s
30s Amrap
Box Jumps
Rest 30s
DB Clean & Press
Rest 30s
Rest 30s
30s Jump Rope
Rest 30sScoring: Not Scored
30s x 40 sets
8 Rounds
30s Rowing/Bike
Rest 30s
30s Amrap
Box Jumps
Rest 30s
DB Clean & Press
Rest 30s
Rest 30s
30s Jump Rope
Rest 30sScoring: Not Scored
5 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 4 Shoulder PressesA2. Reverse Sled PullA3. 8 Ring Face Pulls
5 Rounds for Time:
– 8 Push Presses
– 8 Bent-Over Barbell Rows
– 8 Burpees over the Barbell
4 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 5 Bent-Over Barbell RowsA2. Side Plank Hold on Hand for 30 secondsA3. 10 Dumbbell Box Step-UpsChallenge: On Glute Bridge Control your body down for 3 seconds, hold at the bottom for 1s, raise up quick, and hold at top for another 1s. Each repetition should be about 6s long so if we perform 5 reps, that's 30s on each side.
Challenge 2: Lift up your toes slightly to engage more hamstrings.
5 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 5 DeadliftsA2. 5 Handstand Push-UpsChallenge:
Engage more of your inner hamstring and obliques (side core muscles), and less on your erector spinae (lower back). If you have tight hamstring, you may consider raising the weights up slightly or do Romanian Deadlifts instead.
As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 10 minutes:
– Run 400 meters
– Max Bar Muscle-Ups
– Max Pull-Ups
– Max Ring Rows
Practice your Barbell Skills
Power Snatch / Power Cleans
Spend 3 minutes on each set.
If you're going light and want extra work:
Add 5/5 DB Overhead Squat
or 10 Goblet Squat.
Within 15 minutes:
Power Snatch
– 5 sets of 4 reps
Rest as needed
Challenge: Imagine a light switch at your hip crease and try to "turn the switch on" to ensure proper hip extension. Also, do not slam the switch!
As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 12 minutes:
– 8 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
– 5 Power Snatches
– 3 Overhead Squats
– 20 Double-Unders
5 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 6 Shoulder PressesA2. Prowler Push 60 meters
4 Rounds for Time:
– 8 Burpee Pull-Ups
– 12 Wall Ball Shots
– 16 Box Jumps
Aim to stay with breathing in only through the nose and out through the mouth for the first 3 rounds.
Learn to find and keep medium to high sustainable pace.
60s x 25sets
5 Rounds
60s Rowing/Bike
Rest 60s
60s Amrap
3 Pull Up
6 Push Up
9 Air Squat
Rest 60s
10 Slam Balls
5/5 Lunges
Rest 60s
6/6 Single Arm DB Clean&Press
10/10 Mountain Climbers
Rest 60s
60s Jump RopeScoring: Not Scored
4 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 6 Back SquatsA2. 5 Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over RowsA3. Passive Bar Hang for 45 seconds
9-15-21 Reps for Time:
– Hang Squat Clean Thruster
– Toes to Bar
5 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 5 Deadlifts
5 Deadlifts
5 Deadlifts
5 Deadlifts
3 Deadlifts
A2. 8 Half Kneeling One Arm PressesChallenge:
Engage more of your inner hamstring and obliques (side core muscles), and less on your erector spinae (lower back). If you have tight hamstring, you may consider raising the weights up slightly or do Romanian Deadlifts instead.
Not Telling
Come!Scoring: Not Scored
5 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 5 Bent-Over Barbell RowsA2. Prowler Push
As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 10 minutes:
– 8 Dumbbell Snatches
– 8 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats
– Run 200 meters
– 8 Dumbbell Snatches
– 8 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Squats
– Run 200 meters