Power Snatch
– 6 sets of 3-5 reps
Rest as needed
Barbell Thruster
– 4 sets of 3 reps
Rest as needed
For Time:
– 25 Barbell Thrusters @ 95/65 lbs
– Run 400 meters
– 25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
– Run 400 meters
– 25 Barbell Thrusters @ 95/65 lbs
# Thruster
Build to a Heavy 3
# "Chest Hair"
For Time:
25 Thrusters (95/65)
400 Meter Run
25 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
400 Meter Run
25 Thrusters (95/65)
* Thruster focused two part workout on this Weightlifting Wednesday
* Looking for weights and variations in “Chest Hair” that allows athletes to complete the work in under 15 minutes
* Choose a rep number or variation where you can complete sets of 5 at minimum
* Athletes with no goals of competing can complete pull-ups, strict pull-ups or a variation of either.
* Choose a weight you can complete in 3-4 sets each time
* Using your “Fran” weight today
* If Unable to Run:
* 500 Meter Row
* 800 Meter Bike Erg
* 400 Meter Ski Erg
* 28/20 Calorie Assault Bike or Echo Bike
* 40/28 Calorie Schwinn Bike
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/Kwp_iqWkRrs)
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 10:00)
## 45 Seconds
Easy Shuttle Runs
Slow Air Squats
Moderate Shuttle Runs
Push-up to Down Dog
Faster Shuttle Runs
1 Inchworm to Push-up + 3 Jumping Air Squats
*Do this with barbells not on the floor so there is space for the shuttle runs
## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
# MOBILITY (10:00 – 12:00)
## Front Rack Stretch: 60 Seconds
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/dg4ckXN2gqE)
## Wrist Stretch: 60 Seconds
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/kjoVDajRxZ0)
# TEACHING (12:00 – 20:00)
### Kick-Pop-Pull
While the chest to bar is typically thought of as an upper body pulling exercise, we are able to increase the intensity and size of our sets by starting from the ground up. Let’s think “kick-pop-pull”. The way up starts with a kick of the legs, then a pop of the hips, and finally a pull with the arms. If executed and timed correctly, kicking and popping before pulling will create a good weightless moment, allow athlete to pull a smaller percentage of their bodyweight. Leading with the hips first or pulling too early can mess with mechanics and make the movement exponentially harder. This works well on any type of kipping pull-up, but especially the chest to bar where the extra height is key.
### Elbows Back
The elbow position of the chest to bar pull-up will be slightly different than the chin over bar pull-up. In the chin over bar, we can point the elbows to the ground to finish the movement. In the chest to bar, sending the elbows back can help with making good contact on each rep. This backward motion pulls us further into the bar and exposes more of the chest. Feel the difference on the ground before we get up to the bar.
### Movement Prep
10 Scap Pull-ups
5 Kip Swings (Hard Kick)
5 Kip Swings (Kick-Pop)
3 Pull-ups (Kick-Pop-Pull)
3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (Adding Elbows Back)
### Movement Substitutions
Reduce Reps
Chin Over Bar Pull-ups
Strict Pull-ups (15 Reps)
Ring Rows
Banded Pull-ups
Jumping Pull-ups
### Push-Pop-Press
The thruster is the weightlifting equivalent of the chest to bar pull-up, as it has a very similar sequence from the ground up. On the barbell, we’re thinking “push-pop-press”. The push is the initial leg drive coming out of the squat. The pop is the aggressive upward drive of the hips into the bar to create the weightless moment on the bar. The press is the finish of the movement, locking the weight out over the middle of the body. Just like the pull-up, if we lack hip drive or use the arms too early, the weight will feel much heavier. Going heavy in the strength piece will allow athletes to really feel the leg drive and hip pop needed to move the bar in the metcon.
### Elbows Forward
Let’s also talk about the elbows on the thruster. We know that elbows up in the squat is important. However, elbows when bringing the bar back down to the front rack is just as important, especially when the weight starts to get heavy in part 1. If the elbows track straight down, the barbell will likely sit lower on the shoulders, making for a difficult balance in the squat. Pointing the elbows straight ahead while lowering the barbell back down will put it in a better front rack to seamlessly transition to the next rep. Think elbows forward or elbows parallel to the floor.
### Movement Prep
5 Front Squats
5 Push Press
5 Thrusters
# THRUSTER (20:00 – 35:00)
* Thruster will come from the rack today
* Building in weight on unbroken sets of 3
* You do not have to go right from overhead into the squat
* You can pause in the front rack after bringing the bar back down if that is helpful in regaining balance
* Just like Monday’s strength piece, this is the best time to coach the thruster with each individual athlete
# PRACTICE ROUND (35:00 – 40:00)
## 1 Round
5 Thrusters (95/65)
100 Meter Run
5 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
# STRATEGY + WOD (40:00 – 60:00)
* Push hard on the inside movements and use the runs to recover a bit
* Quicks sets and quick breaks are better than long sets and long breaks
* Shoot for 3-5 Quick Sets
* 3 Sets: 10-8-7
* 4 Sets: 8-7-6-4
* 5 Sets: 5-5-5-5-5
* Shoot for 3-4 Quick Sets
* 3 Sets: 10-8-7
* 4 Sets: 8-7-6-4
We're performing Y3T Protocol made famous by Neil Young.
Week 1 is 5 sets x 4-6 reps
Week 2 is 4 sets x 8-10 reps
Week 3 is 3 sets x 12-15 reps
We aim to be repeating this for 6-12 weeks.
5 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 6 Back Squats
6 Back Squats
4 Back Squats
4 Back Squats
4 Back Squats
A2. 6 Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows
As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 12 minutes:
– 20 Kettlebell Swings
– 15 Box Jumps
– Farmers Walk 60 meters
30s x 48sets
6 Rounds
A. Push Up
B. Kettlebell Swing
C. Left Side Plank
D. Right Side Plank
E. Slam Ball
F. Wall Ball
G. Lunges / Jumping Lunges
H. Active Hang / Scap Pull UpsScoring: Not Scored
We're performing Y3T Protocol made famous by Neil Young.
Week 1 is 5 sets x 4-6 reps
Week 2 is 4 sets x 8-10 reps
Week 3 is 3 sets x 12-15 reps
We aim to be repeating this for 6-12 weeks.
Push Press
– Set 1 – 6 reps
– Set 2 – 6 reps
– Set 3 – 4 reps
– Set 4 – 4 reps
– Set 5 – 4 reps
Rest as needed
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat
– 5 sets of 12 reps
Rest as needed
4 Rounds for Time:
– 6 Push Jerks
– 12 Barbell Reverse Lunges
– 6 Pull-Ups
– Run 200 meters
Power Clean and Jerk
– 6 sets of 1-3 reps
Rest as needed
As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 12 minutes:
– 10 Deadlifts
– 5 Hang Power Cleans
– 30 Double-Unders
We're performing Y3T Protocol made famous by Neil Young.
Week 1 is 5 sets x 4-6 reps
Week 2 is 4 sets x 8-10 reps
Week 3 is 3 sets x 12-15 reps
We aim to be repeating this for 6-12 weeks.
3 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 15 Shoulder Presses
12 Shoulder Presses
12 Shoulder Presses
A2. 20 Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
16 Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
16 Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
A3. 10 Dumbbell Bicep Curls
4 Rounds for Time:
– 20 Wall Ball Shots
– 15 Push-Ups
– Farmers Walk 60 meters
Power Clean
– 3 sets of 5 reps
Rest as needed
5-10-15-10-5 Reps for Time:
– Power Clean @ 135/95 lbs
– Run 200 meters
# Hang Power Clean + Power Clean
Build to a Heavy Complex
# "Power Ranger"
For Time:
15 Power Cleans (155/105)
600 Meter Run
10 Power Cleans (155/105)
400 Meter Run
5 Power Cleans (155/105)
200 Meter Run
* Two part power clean focused workout
* Within “Power Ranger”, we’re looking for a weight we can grind through quick singles
* Should be able to string reps together if we needed to, but singles will likely be the best option
## RUN
* If Unable to Run:
**For 600 Meter Run **
750 Meter Row
42/30 Calorie Assault Bike, Echo, Bike Erg
60/42 Calorie Schwinn
**For 400 Meter Run**
500 Meter Row
28/20 Calorie Assault Bike, Echo, Bike Erg
40/28 Calorie Schwinn Bike
**For 200 Meter Run **
250 Meter Row
14/10 Calorie Assault Bike, Echo, Bike Erg
20/14 Calorie Schwinn Bike
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/MvgIe65GaOo)
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## 30 Seconds
Active Spidermans
Push-up to Down Dog
Front Plank
Active Spidermans
Push-up to Down Dog
Right Side Plank
Active Spidermans
Push-up to Down Dog
Left Side Plank
## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
# MOBILITY (12:00 – 15:00)
## Wrist Stretch
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/kjoVDajRxZ0)
## Front Rack Stretch
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/dg4ckXN2gqE)
# TEACHING (15:00 – 25:00)
### Piece By Piece
We’re going to break the power clean down into 4 pieces today. Each has a specific goal in mind that contributes to the overall lift. Below are the 4 pieces we’ll work through today. Reference the daily video for visuals of each movement.
**1. Jump Shrug **
*Goal*: Create speed through the middle with the legs
**2. Jump Shrug + High Pull **
*Goal*: Keep the bar close
**3. Muscle Clean **
*Goal*: Fast turnover and releasing the hook grip
**4. Tall Cleans (2-4-6-Full) **
*Goal*: Shrug down and around the bar quickly
### Movement Prep
4 Jump Shrugs
4 Jump Shrug + High Pulls
4 Muscle Cleans
4 Tall Cleans
4 Power Cleans
# POWER CLEAN COMPLEX (25:00 – 40:00)
* 15 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Complex
* Looking to complete about 7-10 total sets today
* As you get heavier in weight, make smaller jumps
# PRACTICE ROUND (40:00 – 45:00)
## 1 Round
2 Power Cleans
100 Meter Run
2 Power Cleans
# STRATEGY + WOD (45:00 – 60:00)
* Quick singles throughout
* Stay near the bar and find a consistent work/rest rhythm
## RUN
* Start slow after the cleans, then settle into moderate pace
* Go a little faster than you want to knowing they’ll be a break between each single repetition on the barbell
30s x 49 sets
7 Rounds
30s /30s
A. Burpee
B. Wall Sit
C. DB Clean & Press
D. Box Jump
E. Jump Rope
F. Left Side Plank
G. Right Side PlankScoring: Not Scored
30s x 49 sets
7 Rounds
30s /30s
A. Burpee
B. Wall Sit
C. DB Clean & Press
D. Box Jump
E. Jump Rope
F. Left Side Plank
G. Right Side Plank
Scoring: Not Scored