1 Min :
Easy Row or Bike or Shutter Run
30 Sec :
Lying Down Calf Stretch
Hip Flexor stretch
90/90 Hip Mobility
Hip Rotation
Slow Air Squats
Frog Hops
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoIEWe3UfCYScoring: Not Scored
B. Krampus
Tabata [6 Rounds of :20 On + :10 Off]:
Front Plank
Side Plank (Right)
Side Plank (Left)
Arch Hold
Hollow HoldScoring: Not Scored
C. "Fortitude"
Alternating On the Minute x 20 (10 Rounds):
Minute 1: Cal Row / Cal Bike / Round Shuttle Run
Minute 2: BurpeesScoring: Not Scored