A. Push Jerk Complex
Build to a Moderate Complex:
1 Pausing Push Jerk
1 Push JerkScoring: Not Scored
B. "Treasure Chest"
3 Rounds:
25 Toes to Bar
20 Push Jerks (135/95)
15/12 Calorie Bike or 20/14 Calorie RowScoring: Not Scored
* Today's conditioning piece balances out gymnastics, weightlifting, and mono-structural movements
* Your score is the total time it takes to complete the workout
* The intended time range for this workout is between 9-18 minutes (cap workout at 20 minutes)
* Before the conditioning piece, we'll spend some time working strength and positioning in the Push Jerk
* We'll build to a moderate 2-rep complex out of the rack
* The pause in the first rep is for 2 seconds in the dip and 2 seconds in the catch
* These pauses allows us to focus on maintaining a vertical dip and balanced catch
* Moderate means we'll only aim to climb a little higher than workout weight in order to prioritize technique over load
* The barbell will come from the floor for this movement, not out of a rack
* All reps should be push jerked (received with bent knees) instead of push pressed
* Choose a moderate load that you are capable of cycling for 20+ reps unbroken when fresh
* Within the workout, this should be a station you can clear in 2-3 sets
* If you have 20+ toes to bar unbroken when fresh, complete this station as written
* If you're not there quite yet, consider reducing reps or choose a variation from the "modifications" section
* Reset the monitor to "0" after each round
* See the bottom of the page for Assault Bike "modifications"
* If you're short on bikes, stagger athletes by 2 minutes
# GENERAL WARM-UP [5:00-12:00]
## 30 Seconds Each
Easy Bike
Push-up to Down Dog [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPhA5b-P34Y)
Hollow Hold [Video](https://youtu.be/EJvFiNvuuXw)
Moderate Bike
Active Samson [Video](https://youtu.be/jGVMgxjPORo)
Arch Hold [Video](https://youtu.be/uHWynZ3tmvU)
Faster Bike
Shoulder Taps [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QbRiNrLAD8)
Flutter Kicks [Video](https://youtu.be/1rbuQjF7RQA)
## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](https://youtu.be/Ff_dtGJKgxM)
# MOBILITY [12:00-15:00]
## Child's Pose: 1 Minute
## Pec Stretch on Wall: 45 Seconds Each Side
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/kWQad3LDKpw)
### 3-Positions
On the push jerks and toes to bar, we'll focus on three positions. In the toes to bar, kicking the toes to these three positions can help us maintain a rhythm. The goal here is to gradually build up how high we are kicking the feet. This allows the upper body and lower body to stay in sync, rather than just trying to go for toes to bar immediately, which can often lead to swinging. Imagine these three positions as:
1) Toes to Parallel
2) Toes Slightly Above Parallel (Halfway Between Bar and Parallel)
3) Toes to Bar
You can even have another athlete us their hand as a target for the athlete on the bar to hit. In the workout, let's aim for athletes to go as high as possible with the feet that still allows them to maintain a good kip swing. This is how we get better at toes to bar, not just by completing them as prescribed with a swinging movement.
### Movement Prep
10 Scap Pull-ups [Video](https://youtu.be/ORkwXCf7fko)
5 Kip Swings
1-3 Strict Toes to Bar [Video](https://youtu.be/-ZRG5qQYmgs)
2 Sets: 4 Toes to Parallel + 4 Toes to Above Parallel + 4 Toes to Bar
### 3 Positions:
In the push jerk, we're also looking to nail 3 positions. These position are the dip, drive, and drop. The pausing jerk built into our first piece will allow us to slow the movement down and really feel out some of these points of performance. Here are some things we're looking for in each position:
1) **Dip:** Heels Down, Elbows in Front of Bar, Vertical Torso
2) **Drive:** Heels Down Until the Hips Extend, Hard Squeeze of the Quads and Glutes
3) **Drop:** Drop the Hips Down and Back Fast, Heels Down, Catch with Elbows Locked
*Check out the Daily Video for a visual of the push jerk teaching points.*
### Movement Prep
20 Second Dip Hold
20 Seconds Dip + Stands
20 Seconds Catch Hold
20 Seconds Quarter Squat + Stands (With Bar Overhead)
5 Push Press
3 Sets: 1 Pausing Push Jerk + 1 Push Jerk
# PUSH JERK COMPLEX [22:00-35:00]
* We'll have 13 minutes to build to a moderate complex out of the rack
* The goal with this piece is to drill the push jerk and get a lot of sets in that support good technique
* If anything, we only want to get a little heavier than the weight we'll be using for the workout
* We can aim to complete around 7-9 sets in during this time frame
* This works out to a set about every 1:30-2:00
* Look to get around to each athlete at least once for a piece of feedback that will carry over into the metcon
* This makes it easier to quickly reference the cue you gave them during the higher intensity piece
# PRACTICE ROUND [35:00-40:00]
## 1 Round
*With Workout Weight:*
4 Calorie Assault Bike
4 Push Jerks
4 Toes to Bar
# STRATEGY + WOD [40:00-60:00]
* In today's workout, there will likely be 1-2 stations that you feel more comfortable with than the others
* Playing to your strengths can help you clear some stations quickly while chipping away at the others
* **For Example:** You may choose to be more aggressive on the bike and push jerks, while working through more manageable sets on the toes to bar
* This format can create "intervals" within the workout, which builds in some recovery, keeps things interesting, and makes it feel like rounds are moving quickly
* Consider the sets listed below for the toes to bar and push jerks
* **1 Set:** 25
* **2 Sets:** 15-10
* **3 Sets:** 10-8-7
* **4 Sets:** 8-7-5-5
* **5 Sets:** 5-5-5-5-5
* **6 Sets:** 5-4-4-4-4-4
* **1 Set:** 20
* **2 Sets:** 10-10
* **3 Sets:** 8-7-5 or 10-5-5
* **4 Sets:** 5-5-5-5
* **5 Sets:** 4-4-4-4-4
## Gymnastics Stamina
For Time:
100 Double Unders
50' Handstand Walk
80 Double Unders
50' Handstand Walk
60 Double Unders
50' Handstand Walk
40 Double Unders
50' Handstand Walk
20 Double Unders
50' Handstand Walk
3 Rounds For Time:
20 Strict Pull-ups
20 AbMat Sit-ups
20 Double Dumbbell Push Jerks
20 AbMat Sit-ups
**Dumbbells:** 50's/35's
* Double Dumbbell Push Jerks (20)
* Single Dumbbell Push Jerks (10 Each Side)
* Odd Object Shoulder to Overhead (20) [Video](https://youtu.be/VeN1qUTaeY0)
* Full Kettlebell Swings (20)
* Max Reps in 2 Minutes (25 Max)
* Reduce Reps
* Feet as High as Possible
* Knees to Elbow/Chest/Waist
* 25 GHD Sit-ups
* 25 Toe Raises [Video](https://youtu.be/Q7T1s_CQ8TM)
* Equal Calorie Echo Bike or Bike Erg
* Equal Calorie Ski Erg
* Equal Calorie Air Runner
* 20/14 Calorie Row
* 25/18 Calorie Schwinn Bike
* 300 Meter Run
* 200 Meter Trueform