August 14, 2020 – CrossFit for Health

A. The Whieelie

5 Rounds:
30 Push-ups
20 Deadlifts (155/105)
10/7 Cal Bike or Row
1 Minute Rest Between Rounds
Scoring: Not Scored

* This balanced 5 round triplet workout will work gymnastics, weightlifting, and mono-structural movements
* With a little rest built in, along with a rotation of muscle groups, we're looking to move at a moderately quick pace through each round
* After completing the 3 listed movements, you'll rest 1 minute before beginning the next round
* Your score will be the total time, including rest, it take to complete the 5 rounds
* We expect this piece to take between 15-25 minutes to complete

* If you have 30+ push-ups unbroken when fresh, let's complete this station as written
* If you're not there yet, consider reducing reps or completing a modification
* This station is ideally cleared in 1:30 or less

* We're moving a weight today that should be on the lighter side of moderate
* Within the workout, this should be a load that you can complete within 1-2 sets

* If short on bikes, stagger heats by 1 minute
* See the bottom of the page for "modifications"

# GENERAL WARM-UP [5:00 – 12:00]
## 3 Rounds
### 30 Seconds Each
Bike (Increasing Intensity)
Push-up to Down Dog [Video](
Front Plank to Push-up Plank [Video](

## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats

**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](

# MOBILITY [12:00 – 15:00]
## Chest Stretch on Floor: 30 Seconds Each Side

## Barbell Assisted Straddle Stretch: 1 Minute

[Click Here](

# TEACHING + SPECIFIC WARMUP [15:00 – 25:00]
### Hips and Shoulders
Our focus on the push-ups and deadlifts will be on the hips and shoulders. In the push-up, we want these body parts to move up and down together. We always say that "every push-up is a plank, but not every plank is a push-up". It is common here for the hips to sag towards the ground. This is just as much of a core movement as it is an upper body pushing movement. Keep the belly, butt, and quads firing during the whole range of motion. It can help to imagine your body as a PVC Pipe moving up and down completely parallel to the floor. *See the Daily Video for a visual of the push-up and the deadlift teaching points.*

### Movement Prep
30 Second Push-up Plank Hold (Top)
30 Second Push-up Plank Hold (Bottom)
4 Slow Negatives From Top
4 Push-ups From Dead Stop
4 Push-ups

### Hips and Shoulders
When lifting the bar off the floor, we also want the hips and shoulders to rise at the same time. This is the safest as strongest way to get the bar to the locked out position. It can be common here for the hips to rise first, followed by the shoulders. To feel out the hips and shoulders rising together, we'll work a pausing deadlift at 3 points. The pauses at these checkpoints give us more awareness of how our body is moving than just pulling the bar straight off the floor.
1. 2 Inches Off the Floor
2. Mid-Shin
3. Below the Knee

### Movement Prep
*With Very Light Weight:*
5 Pausing Deadlifts (3 Seconds at Each Position)
5 Slow Deadlifts
5 Deadlifts

*With Lighter Than Workout Weight*
3 Pausing Deadlifts (3 Seconds at Each Position)
3 Slow Deadlifts
3 Deadlifts

*Build to Workout Weight For Practice Round*

# PRACTICE ROUND [25:00 – 30:00]
## 1 Round
*With Workout Weight:*
7 Push-ups
7 Deadlifts
7 Calorie Bike

# STRATEGY + WOD [30:00 – 60:00]
* The main focus of strategy today is the push-ups
* This is the movement that will likely fatigue the most, so finding the right break-up strategy is key
* With deadlifts, bike, and rest following each set of push-ups, you'll have quite a bit of time before using the upper body pushing muscles again
* It will likely work out to around 3-4 minutes of "rest" before you're doing push-ups again
* With this time between sets, look to be "realistically aggressive"
* Find a break-up plan that you are confident you can hold for 5 rounds
* Consider the following options:
* **1 Set:** 30
* **2 Sets:** 15-15 or 20-10
* **3 Sets:** 12-10-8 or 10-10-10
* **4 Sets:** 8-8-7-7
* **5 Sets:** 6's or 10-8-6-4-2
* **6 Sets:** 5's

* The weight on the deadlifts should allow you to work through big sets
* Balance out the size of your sets with your ability to push on the bike
* If you think going unbroken will negatively affect your power output on the bike, break it into 2 sets
* **2 Sets:** 10-10, 12-8, or 15-5

* Look to start fast on the bike for the first 10 seconds and then settle into a strong pace to finish
* The first couple calories are the hardest to get
* With a fast start and a short number of calories, you'll be more than half way in no time
* Use the 1 minute of rest to follow as a nice incentive to push here

## Cool Down
10-15 Minutes of Stretching & Rolling

Recommended Targets:
* Chest
* Triceps
* Hamstrings
* Lower Back

5 Rounds:
200 Meter Run
30 Second Side Plank (Each Side) [Video](
200 Meter Run
15 Hollow Rocks [Video](

* Equal Calorie Echo Bike or Bike Erg
* Equal Calorie Ski Erg
* 12/9 Calorie Row
* 15/10 Calorie Schwinn Bike
* 200 Meter Run
* 150 Meter Trueform or Air Runner
* 15 Shuttle Runs [10 Meters]

* Reduce Reps
* Elevate Hands to Box or Bench
* Knee Push-ups
* 1:30 Time Cap

* Double Dumbbell or Kettlebell Deadlifts (20)
* Single Dumbbell or Kettlebell Deadlifts (20 Each Side) [Video](
* Odd Object Deadlifts (30) [Video](

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