A. 30s x 49 sets
7 Rounds
30s /30s
A. Burpee
B. Wall Sit
C. DB Clean & Press
D. Box Jump
E. Jump Rope
F. Left Side Plank
G. Right Side PlankScoring: Not Scored
B. Dynamic Warm-Up Option:
2-4 rounds
5 per side lunge,
5 reps of superman hold with reach (bring elbows to sides and reach out as far as possible),
5 inch worms,
5 per side lunge pushing knee forward with heel on the ground,
5 per side single leg glute bridgeScoring: Not Scored
C. Home/Park – Victory Lap
6 rounds for time:
12 Strict Burpees with a 180 degree jump at the top
200m Run or 10 round trip 20' Shuttle Run (no line touch)
Scaling Guide: 9 – 17 minutes, about 2:15 per round.
Coaching Tips:
A strict burpee means you should do a legit Push Up on the bottom and a Squat each time you stand up (not just hinge at the hips). To complete the ‘rep’ at the highest level, you must jump and spin 180 degrees in the air.
If you can’t do the Shuttle Run, substitute 10 sets of 20 ‘Toe Taps’
to a step, 6-8” stool, or foam roller.Scoring: Not Scored