A. The Drip
In teams of 3:
Teams of 3:
For Time (30 Minute Cap):
60Cal Bike/Row or 400m Run
75 Hang power cleans (light weight)
75 Wall balls
60 Cal Bike/Row or 400m Run
60 bent over row
60 Slam balls
60 Cal Bike/Row or 400m Run
45 Power Snatches
45 Thrusters
60 Cal Bike/Row or 400m Run
30 Push press
30 burpees
60 Cal Bike/Row or 400m Run
15 Front squat
15 chin ups Scoring: Not Scored
* One athlete works at a time in this team of 3 workout, splitting reps however you see fit
* The barbell weights increase with each round as the reps decrease
* These two movements are ideally completed at the same weight, unless there is a huge difference in capacity
* Use one barbell and change the weights as you go, but it is ok for multiple barbells if teammates are using different weights
* We'll likely choose our barbell weight based off the Power Snatch
* Use the following guidelines when choosing weights
* **First 2 Bars:** Can complete at least 7-15 reps during the workout
* **Next 2 Bar: **Can complete at least 3-7 reps during the workout
* **Last Bar:** Can complete at least 1-3 reps during the workout
* Complete as much work as you can before the 30 minute cap
* If you hit the cap, put 30:00 as the score and note total completed reps in the notes
* Mixed teams will complete the following bike calories:
* **2 Girls, 1 Guy:** 60
* **2 Guys, 1 Girl:** 65
* If Unable to Assault Bike, complete one of the following:
* Equal Calorie Row, Erg Bike, or Echo Bike
* 100/75 Calorie Schwinn Bike
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/5cklF6moKR8)
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## 1 Round
### 30 Seconds Each
Easy Bike
Pausing Air Squats (2 Seconds in Bottom)
Easy Bike
Air Squats
Easy Bike
Air Squats with Arm Overhead
## 2 Rounds
### 30 Seconds Each
PVC Pass Throughs [Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLup2Kn9INM)
PVC Overhead Squats
PVC Lat Stretch [Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loMyjjEc7_0)
PVC Power Snatches
## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](https://youtu.be/Ff_dtGJKgxM)
# TEACHING + WEIGHT BUILD (12:00 – 25:00)
### Bar on the Body
The simple focus on both of today's barbell movements is to keep the bar on the body. During the power snatch, this means getting the elbows high in the pull up so that the bar "sneaks under your shirt". This is the opposite of letting the bar swing away from the body like a kettlebell. At the lighter weights, athletes would be able to get away with swinging the weight away, but keeping the bar on the body at the lighter weights will build good habits for the heavier loads, where a close bar path is a must.
### Movement Prep
5 Hang High Pulls
5 High Pulls
3 Hang Power Snatches
3 Power Snatches
### Bar on the Body
In the thruster, we want to keep the bar on the body in different ways. On the way up, let's make sure the bar stays glued to the body until the hips open.This helps us use our bigger muscles first before passing off to the arms. On the way down, let's make sure the bar hits the shoulder before the squat begins. This helps a ton with balance throughout the thruster. ***See the daily video for a visual keeping the bar on the body in both barbell movements. ***
### Movement Prep
5 Front Squats
5 Squat Jumps
5 Thrusters
*Build to Workout Weights*
*No Practice Round Today to Give Teams More Time to Build in Weight and Work Through Logistics*
# STRATEGY + WOD (25:00 – 60:00)
* The goal on the bike, and in the workout in general, is to move fast and switch out before you start to slow down or grind through reps
* Consider the following break-up strategy for the bike each round:
* **2 Sets Each (Guys):** 15-15-15 + 10-10-10
* **3 Sets Each (Guys):** 10-10-10 + 8-8-8 + 7-7-7
* **2 Sets Each (Girls):** 10-10-10 + 7-7-6
* **3 Sets Each (Girls):** 7-7-6 + 5-5-5 + 5-5-5
* With the snatches coming down the ground each rep, we can afford to hold on for smaller sets when compared to the thrusters
* Unlike the bike that counts for you, tell your teammates where you are in the set after completing your reps on the barbell
* Consider completing the below rep ranges at each barbell before switching off to your partner:
* **1st Bar:** 7-15 Reps
* **2nd Bar:** 7-10 Reps
* **3rd Bar:** 5-7 Reps
* **4th Bar:** 1-5 Reps
* **5th Bar:** 1-3 Reps
* Since the barbell stays on the shoulders in the thruster, let's aim to hold on for slightly larger sets than the snatches if possible due to the longer transition
* Consider completing the below rep ranges at each barbell before switching off to your partner:
* **1st Bar:** 10-15 Reps
* **2nd Bar:** 10-12 Reps
* **3rd Bar:** 7-10 Reps
* **4th Bar:** 5-7 Reps
* **5th Bar:** 3-5 Reps
## Gymnastic Skill
15 Minute Recovery Row
*On the 0-4-8-12:*
50' Handstand Walk