Ari CrossFit
5 Rounds for Time:
– Run 400 meters
– 30 Soft Landing Box Jumps 24/20 inches
– 30 Wall Ball Shots @ 20/14 lbs
* "Kelly" is a longer, CrossFit "Girl" workout that we last completed on 6.30.18
* Times can range anywhere from the mid 20's to close to 40 minutes
* We're allotting a full 40 minutes for today's simple triplet benchmark
* The biggest thing to consider today is wallball weight
* This should be a weight that athlete can complete the 30 reps in no more that 3 sets
* With 150 total reps, going lighter or reducing overall volume will be the most common subs
* Athletes should stand to full extension at the top of each box jump
## RUN
* If unable to run, complete one of the following:
* 500 Meter Row
* 800 Meter Bike Erg
* 28/20 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
* 40/28 Calorie Schwinn Bike
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# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 10:00)
## Warmup Run
200 Meter Row
## 30 Seconds
Jumping Jacks
Box Step-ups
Air Squats to Medicine Ball
Jumping Jacks
Lateral Box Step-ups (30 Seconds Each Leg)
Squats Holding Medicine Ball
Jumping Jacks
Low Box Jumps (Step Down)
Push Press & Reach with Medicine Ball
# TEACHING (10:00 – 15:00)
### Open the Hips
On both of today's indoor movements, let's focus in on opening the hips hard. With 60 reps back to back, how we do one is how we'll do both. Shorting the hip extension on either leads to less elevation on our body or the ball. Open the hips hard before bringing the knees up and open the hips hard before pressing the ball to the target. See the daily video for an visual of both.
### Box Jump Movement Prep
10 Max Height Jumps in Place (No Box)
5 Low Box Jumps
5 Workout Height Box Jumps
### Wallball Movement Prep
5 Medicine Ball Thrusters
5 Max Height Wallballs
5 Wallballs
# PRACTICE ROUND (15:00 – 20:00)
## 1 Round
100 Meter Run
5 Box Jumps
5 Wallballs
# STRATEGY + WOD (20:00 – 60:00)
* The first thing we can focus on today is pushing for big sets on the wallballs
* That is the only station we would stop moving on
* Today is a great opportunity to train big sets
* Look to complete these within 1-3 sets:
* 1 Set: 30
* 2 Sets: 15-15 or 20-10
* 3 Sets: 12-10-8 or 10-10-10
* Hold a moderate pace on the runs and a steady cadence on the box jumps that you can maintain across all 5 rounds
* These should be paces that allow you to thrive through big sets on the ball
*"After Party" workouts are for those athletes in your gym who want a little bit more outside of class to help them be more competitive in the Open or other competitions. These pieces are typically higher skill and are intended to be completed before or after class. The workouts are pulled straight from CompTrain Open Prep programming, so they will always line up with the week on the Class and Competitive programs. The only two days ""After Party"" workouts won't be included are Thursday and Sundays, as those are 'Rest Days' on the Competitive programs. On Thursdays, we'll include optional cool downs that you can walk your class through as a group.*
## Barbell Overhead Walking Lunge
Build to a Heavy at Each Distance:
100' Barbell Overhead Lunge
50' Barbell Overhead Lunge
25' Barbell Overhead Lunge
Rest as Needed Between Sets