CrossFit Open 20.1
A. CrossFit Games Open 20.5 – Scaled
For Time:
– 40 Pull-Ups
– 80 Calories of Rowing
– 120 Wall Ball Shots @ 14/10 lbs
Time Cap: 20 minutes
* Wall Ball Shots 10ft for male, 9ft for female
After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete may perform 40 pull-ups, 80 calories on the rower, and 120 wall-ball shots. Athletes may perform the movements in any order, and the reps can be divided up in any manner. There are no restrictions on the sequence or combinations of movements, or their corresponding repetitions. The repetitions of one movement do not have to be completed before the athlete can accumulate reps of another movement.
Regardless of where athletes choose to begin the workout, they must start fully standing, not touching any equipment. Only after the call of “3, 2, 1 … go” may the athlete touch the medicine ball, rower, or rings and begin the workout.
This workout includes a tiebreak. If the athlete completes all 240 reps prior to the 20-minute time cap, their score will be their total time, and there will be no tiebreaker.
If the athlete is not able to complete the entire workout in the allotted time, a tiebreaker will be factored into their final score. Note the time when the athlete completes 80 calories on the rower and 120 wall-ball shots, regardless of how they choose to break up the work. When the athlete submits their score, there will be a space for their final rep count and an additional field for them to enter the elapsed time at which they completed the rowing and wall balls. In the case where two athletes have the same score (total number of reps), the athlete with the lower tiebreak time will be ranked higher. Do NOT use a countdown timer.
– Rings
– Pull-up bar* (Masters 55+ and scaled divisions only)
– Concept2 rower
– Medicine ball of appropriate weight for your division*
*The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 9 kg (20 lb.), 6 kg (14 lb.), and 4 kg (10 lb.).
For each workout, be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete all the movements. Clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions.
Any athlete who in any way alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the workout standards video may be disqualified from the competition.
– Film the rings (or pull-up bar), clearly show the weight of the medicine ball, and measure the height of the target.
– Videos must be uncut and unedited to accurately display the performance.
– Your judge and a clock or timer must be visible throughout the workout.
– Shoot the video so all exercises can be seen clearly meeting the movement standards.
– Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected.
NOTE: Athletes submitting video submissions for review must be prepared to submit two separate videos: one of the workout following the typical video submission standards and a separate video specifically showing the calories on the Concept2 rower monitor. The display of calories on the monitor should be clearly visible throughout the workout, and the athlete should be visible getting on and off the rower. When submitting videos, send only the first video (full workout) in accordance with normal video submission standards. CrossFit may require the second video (rower calories) and will provide further details at that time. Athletes who are unable to produce the second video upon request may be determined to have an invalid score.
# "20.5”
For Time (Partitioned Any Way):
40 Ring Muscle-ups
80 Calorie Row
120 Wallballs
♀ 14-lb. Ball to 9 ft.
♂ 20-lb. Ball to 10 ft.
Time Cap: 20 Minutes
***Kilos: 9/6***
* **Scorecard & Description:** [Click Here](
* **Movement Standards:** [Click Here](
* We'll run 2 heats today to accommodate those athletes who need judges
* With two 40-minute heats, there is a high urgency on time
* We'll quickly brief the group, warm them up, and then have them start preparing for their heat
* Between each heat will be a transition and practice round to warm heat 2 athletes back up
* It may also be best for scaled athletes (or those who don’t need a judge) to go in heat 1, and RX athletes (or those who need a judge) to go in heat 2
For Time (Partitioned Any Way):
40 Chin Over Bar Pull-ups
80 Calorie Row
120 Wallballs (20/14)
♀ 10-lb. Ball to 9 ft.
♂ 14-lb. Ball to 10 ft.
Time Cap: 20 Minutes
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 5:00)
## 30 Seconds
Easy Row
Active Spidermans
Air Squats to Medicine Ball
Moderate Row
Push-up to Down Dog
Medicine Ball Front Squats
Faster Row
Inchworm to Push-up
Medicine Ball Thrusters
# TEACHING (5:00 – 10:00)
## ROW
### Straps & Arms
The row will likely be the longest transition today. Setting the straps in a position that you don't have to adjust at all can help minimize getting in and out. Not too tight where you can't get in, but not so loose that you're flying out. Along with this, really using the legs instead of the arms can allow for better ring muscle-ups to come.
### Movement Prep
Set Straps
30 Seconds Moderate Row
### Starting Spot
With a lot of transitions today, finding a consistent starting spot for the ball can be helpful in no wasted effort. If we start to close or too far away, we'll likely be off balance. Start about an arms distance away and make small adjustments as needed. You can even mark with tape on the ground where you want your feet to be to take the guess work out during the workout. Also, control the ball back down to the ground on your final rep so it's exactly where you want it for the next set. This will help you start quicker when making your way back to the ball.
### Movement Prep
Establish Starting Position
10 Wallballs
### Hips Before Arms
Just like in all the movements we do, we want to make sure that the bigger muscles pass off to the smaller muscles. No matter what level athletes are at on their ring muscle-ups, opening the hips before pulling with the arms will help them be more efficient. Being patient and getting the power from the hips first will help them find the weightless moment to then pull from.
### Movement Prep
10 Scap Pull-ups
5 Rings Swings
3 Hips to Rings
1 Ring Muscle-up Attempt
# HEAT 1 PRACTICE ROUND (10:00 – 15:00)
## 1 Round
6 Wallballs
4 Calorie Row
1-2 Ring Muscle-up Attempts
# HEAT 1 STRATEGY + WOD (15:00 – 35:00)
## No Ring Muscle-ups
* For athletes with no ring muscle-ups who are looking to maybe get their first, there are a few options
* The first option is to do the workout scaled and complete chin over bar pull-ups instead
* The second option is to complete all the row and wallballs before going for muscle-ups, as this is the way to get the most reps done and get the best tiebreaker time
* The third option is to attempt some ring muscle-ups when fresh, then complete the row and wallballs, and attempt some muscle-ups after the 200 reps of row and wallballs are completed
## Some Ring Muscle-ups
* Athletes with some ring muscle-ups want to get the 200 reps of wallballs and rowing done, with every rep on top of that being icing on the cake
* Working through rounds of all 3 movements is one way to work through manageable sets
* One way to get this done is to work through the following rounds:
1-3 Ring Muscle-ups
8 Calorie Row
12 Ring Muscle-up
## Many Ring Muscle-ups
* For athletes with 10-15+ ring muscle-ups it may be helpful to work through the muscle-ups and wallballs first to avoid the excessive pulling of the rower
* Once the 40 and 120 reps are finished, athletes can look to hammer through the 80 calories to finish
* Here is a potential way for these athletes to approach the workout:
10 Rounds:
4 Ring Muscle-ups
12 Wallballs
80 Calorie Row
# HEAT 2 PRACTICE ROUND (35:00 – 40:00)
## 1 Round
6 Wallballs
4 Calorie Row
1-2 Ring Muscle-up Attempts
# HEAT 2 STRATEGY + WOD (40:00 – 60:00)
* For athletes with no ring muscle-ups who are looking to maybe get their first, there are a few options
* The first option is to do the workout scaled and complete chin over bar pull-ups instead
* The second option is to complete all the row and wallballs before going for muscle-ups, as this is the way to get the most reps done and get the best tiebreaker time
* The third option is to attempt some ring muscle-ups when fresh, then complete the row and wallballs, and attempt some muscle-ups after the 200 reps of row and wallballs are completed
## Some Ring Muscle-ups
* Athletes with some ring muscle-ups want to get the 200 reps of wallballs and rowing done, with every rep on top of that being icing on the cake
* Working through rounds of all 3 movements is one way to work through manageable sets
* One way to get this done is to work through the following rounds:
1-3 Ring Muscle-ups
8 Calorie Row
12 Ring Muscle-up
## Many Ring Muscle-ups
* For athletes with 10-15+ ring muscle-ups it may be helpful to work through the muscle-ups and wallballs first to avoid the excessive pulling of the rower
* Once the 40 and 120 reps are finished, athletes can look to hammer through the 80 calories to finish
* Here is a potential way for these athletes to approach the workout:
10 Rounds:
4 Ring Muscle-ups
12 Wallballs
80 Calorie Row
### 1. **Lats Foam Roll:** 1-2 Minutes Each Side
### 2. **Upper Back Foam Roll:** 1-2 Minutes
### 3. **Quads Foam Roll:** 1-2 Minute Each Side
B. CrossFit Games Open 20.5
For Time:
– 40 Muscle-Ups
– 80 Calories of Rowing
– 120 Wall Ball Shots @ 20/14 lbs
Time Cap: 20 minutes
* Wall Ball Shots 10ft for male, 9ft for female
After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete may perform 40 muscle-ups, 80 calories on the rower, and 120 wall-ball shots. Athletes may perform the movements in any order, and the reps can be divided up in any manner. There are no restrictions on the sequence or combinations of movements, or their corresponding repetitions. The repetitions of one movement do not have to be completed before the athlete can accumulate reps of another movement.
Regardless of where athletes choose to begin the workout, they must start fully standing, not touching any equipment. Only after the call of “3, 2, 1 … go” may the athlete touch the medicine ball, rower, or rings and begin the workout.
This workout includes a tiebreak. If the athlete completes all 240 reps prior to the 20-minute time cap, their score will be their total time, and there will be no tiebreaker.
If the athlete is not able to complete the entire workout in the allotted time, a tiebreaker will be factored into their final score. Note the time when the athlete completes 80 calories on the rower and 120 wall-ball shots, regardless of how they choose to break up the work. When the athlete submits their score, there will be a space for their final rep count and an additional field for them to enter the elapsed time at which they completed the rowing and wall balls. In the case where two athletes have the same score (total number of reps), the athlete with the lower tiebreak time will be ranked higher. Do NOT use a countdown timer.
– Rings
– Pull-up bar* (Masters 55+ and scaled divisions only)
– Concept2 rower
– Medicine ball of appropriate weight for your division*
*The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 9 kg (20 lb.), 6 kg (14 lb.), and 4 kg (10 lb.).
For each workout, be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete all the movements. Clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions.
Any athlete who in any way alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the workout standards video may be disqualified from the competition.
– Film the rings (or pull-up bar), clearly show the weight of the medicine ball, and measure the height of the target.
– Videos must be uncut and unedited to accurately display the performance.
– Your judge and a clock or timer must be visible throughout the workout.
– Shoot the video so all exercises can be seen clearly meeting the movement standards.
– Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected.
NOTE: Athletes submitting video submissions for review must be prepared to submit two separate videos: one of the workout following the typical video submission standards and a separate video specifically showing the calories on the Concept2 rower monitor. The display of calories on the monitor should be clearly visible throughout the workout, and the athlete should be visible getting on and off the rower. When submitting videos, send only the first video (full workout) in accordance with normal video submission standards. CrossFit may require the second video (rower calories) and will provide further details at that time. Athletes who are unable to produce the second video upon request may be determined to have an invalid score.