November 8, 2019 – CrossFit for Health


CrossFit Open 20.1

A. For Time: Box Jumps, Clean and Jerks, and Medicine Ball Step-Ups

For Time:
30 Box Jumps 24/20 inches
15 Clean and Jerks @ 65/35 lbs
30 Box Jumps 24/20 inches
15 Clean and Jerks @ 95/55 lbs
30 Box Jumps 24/20 inches
10 Clean and Jerks @ 115/75 lbs
30 Medicine Ball Step-Ups 24/20 inches @ 20/14 lbs
10 Clean and Jerks @ 135/95 lbs
30 Medicine Ball Step-Ups 24/20 inches @ 20/14 lbs
5 Clean and Jerks @ 155/115 lbs
30 Medicine Ball Step-Ups 24/20 inches @ 20/14 lbs
5 Clean and Jerks @ 185/135 lbs
Time Cap: 20 minutes

After the call of “3, 2, 1 … go,” the athlete may perform 30 box jumps followed by 15 clean and jerks, then 30 box jumps followed by 15 clean and jerks at a heavier weight, then 30 box jumps followed by 10 clean and jerks, increasing the weight again. Next, the athlete performs 30 med-ball step-ups followed by 10 clean and jerks, then 30 med-ball step-ups followed by 5 clean and jerks, and finally, 30 med-ball step-ups followed by 5 clean and jerks. Again, the weight of the clean and jerk increases each round.

Athletes may set up multiple barbells. If one barbell is used, the athlete may receive assistance changing the load on the bar. Receiving any assistance other than adjusting loading is not permitted unless safety is an immediate concern.

If the athlete completes the entire workout prior to the 20-minute time cap, their score will be their total time, and there will be no tiebreaker.

If the athlete is not able to complete the entire workout in the allotted time, a tiebreaker will be factored into their score. During the workout, be sure to note the athlete’s time at the end of each set of box jumps and med-ball step-ups. When the athlete submits their score, there will be a space for their final rep count and an additional field for them to enter the elapsed time at which they completed their final rep of box jumps or med-ball step-ups. In the case where two athletes have the same score (total number of reps), the athlete with the lower tiebreak time will be ranked higher. Do NOT use a countdown timer.

– Box of appropriate height for your division (the top of the box must be at least 15-by-15 inches)
– Barbell
– Standard bumper plates (18-in. diameter) to load to the appropriate weight for your division*
– Medicine ball* (scaled divisions)
– Collars to secure the plates on the barbell

*The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 6 kg (14 lb.), 9 kg (20 lb.), 15 kg (35 lb.), 20 kg (45 lb.), 25 kg (55 lb.), 29 kg (65 lb.), 34 kg (75 lb.), 38 kg (85 lb.), 43 kg (95 lb.), 47 kg (105 lb.), 52 kg (115 lb.), 56 kg (125 lb.), 61 kg (135 lb.), 65 kg (145 lb.), 70 kg (155 lb.), 79 kg (175 lb.), 83 kg (185 lb.), 93 kg (205 lb.), 102 kg (225 lb.), 124 kg (275 lb.), and 142 kg (315 lb.).

For each workout, be sure the athlete has adequate space to safely complete all the movements. Clear the area of all extra equipment, people, or other obstructions.

Any athlete who in any way alters the equipment or movements described in this document or shown in the workout standards video may be disqualified from the competition.

– Film the plates and barbell so the loads can be seen clearly, and show the height of the box with a tape measure.
– Scaled divisions also need to film the medicine ball.
– Videos must be uncut and unedited to accurately display the performance.
– Your judge and a clock or timer must be visible throughout the workout.
– Shoot the video so all exercises can be seen clearly meeting the movement standards.
– Videos shot with a fisheye lens or similar lens may be rejected.

# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 5:00)
## 30 Seconds
Jumping Jacks
Air Squats
High Hang Power Clean + Strict Press

Low Box Step-ups
Barbell Front Squats
Hang Power Clean + Push Press

Low Box Jumps
Single Legs Squats to Low Box
Power Clean + Push Jerk

# WEIGHT BUILD (5:00 – 10:00)
*With 40 minutes of working out happening with 2 heats, we’ll get right to it today and have both athletes start building to at least the first 3 workout weights. Athlete 1 will then hit a practice round before beginning their heat. Athlete 2 will warmup back up with a practice round once heat 1 is finished.*

# HEAT 1 PRACTICE ROUND (10:00 – 15:00)
## 1 Round
4 Box Jumps
4 Clean and Jerks (Opening Weight)
4 Alternating Single Leg Squats

# HEAT 1 STRATEGY + WOD (15:00 – 35:00)
The movement standards allow athletes to either jump or step-up. There are a few factors that can help us to decide which one works. This first is what is going to keep you moving. If box jumps gas you, stepping up may help keep your moving and keep the heart rate down for the barbell. The second factor is if you’re going to be completing the heavy clean and jerks and single leg squats. For athletes who know they’re getting into the challenging second half of the workout, jumping up may be the best option. Step-ups tax the legs more and can interfere with the other movements. For athletes who know they aren’t going to be able to lift the heavier weights or complete the single leg squats, either option can keep them moving.

There is the option to power or squat clean, as well as push jerk or split jerk. At the lighter weights, it’s likely most efficient to power clean and push jerk. As the heavier weights comes around, lifts will likely be more successful with the squat clean and split jerk.

Let’s work with what we have on the single leg squats. For athletes with great mobility, this will be a strength and capacity test. These athletes simply need to find a pace that they can maintain. For athletes who struggle with mobility, this is all about getting as loose as possible beforehand and minimizing no reps. Use lifting shoes and take your time between reps. It’s better to go slow and go low than to waste energy on fast, no reps.

# HEAT 2 PRACTICE ROUND (35:00 – 40:00)
## 1 Round
4 Box Jumps
4 Clean and Jerks (Opening Weight)
4 Alternating Single Leg Squats

# HEAT 2 STRATEGY + WOD (40:00 – 60:00)
The movement standards allow athletes to either jump or step-up. There are a few factors that can help us to decide which one works. This first is what is going to keep you moving. If box jumps gas you, stepping up may help keep your moving and keep the heart rate down for the barbell. The second factor is if you’re going to be completing the heavy clean and jerks and single leg squats. For athletes who know they’re getting into the challenging second half of the workout, jumping up may be the best option. Step-ups tax the legs more and can interfere with the other movements. For athletes who know they aren’t going to be able to lift the heavier weights or complete the single leg squats, either option can keep them moving.

There is the option to power or squat clean, as well as push jerk or split jerk. At the lighter weights, it’s likely most efficient to power clean and push jerk. As the heavier weights comes around, lifts will likely be more successful with the squat clean and split jerk.

Let’s work with what we have on the single leg squats. For athletes with great mobility, this will be a strength and capacity test. These athletes simply need to find a pace that they can maintain. For athletes who struggle with mobility, this is all about getting as loose as possible beforehand and minimizing no reps. Use lifting shoes and take your time between reps. It’s better to go slow and go low than to waste energy on fast, no reps.

### 1. **Calves Foam Roll:** 1-2 Minutes Each Side
### 2. **Lower Back Foam Roll:** 1-2 Minutes
### 3. **Quads Foam Roll:** 1-2 Minute Each Side


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