1 Mile Run
A. 10 Rounds For Time of Barbell Thrusters, Pull-Ups, and Burpees
10 Rounds for Time:
– 7 Barbell Thrusters
– 7 Pull-Ups
– 7 Burpees
# "Heartburn"
For Time:
1 Mile Run
10 Rounds of “Bergeron Beep Test”
*1 Round of “Bergeron Beep Test”:
7 Thrusters (75/55)
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees*
* Going lighter and longer in this repeat workout
* This was last completed on 9.29.18
* Thruster and pull-up weight and variation should be something that athletes can complete unbroken each round
* Standard burpees, requiring full extension and small clap overhead
* 1 Round of the Bergeron Beep Test should take no more than 1:30 per round (30 seconds per movement)
## RUN
* Looking for a distance that athletes can complete in 10 minutes or less
* If unable to run:
* 2k Row
* 115/80 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
* 160/115 Calorie Schwinn Bike
* 3200 Meter Bike Erg
[Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQXOF2ni7ds)
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## 30 Seconds
Jog Around Room
Active Dive-bombers [Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrM4_RvFQf8)
Slow Air Squats
Skip Around Room
Active Dive-bombers [Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrM4_RvFQf8)
Air Squats
Bear Crawl Around Room
Active Dive-bombers [Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrM4_RvFQf8)
Jumping Air Squats
*Have athletes move around perimeter of room like a track for jogs, skips, and bear crawls
## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Morning
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
# TEACHING (12:00 – 25:00)
### See the Feet
The feet lead the way up on the pull-ups. If we were to hold a hollow position on the ground, the feet would be forward of the hips. This is exactly what we want on the bar. Pretend there is a little “circle” in front of the bar that the feet have to hit before the hips can pop. If we hit this circle every time with the feet, athletes will put themselves in a better position to create power and stay balanced. See the daily video for a visual of what this looks like.
### Movement Prep
10 Scap Pull-ups
5 Kip Swings
1-3 Strict Pull-ups
5 Kick & Pops
3 Pull-ups
### Movement Substitutions
Reduce Reps
Banded Pull-ups
Ring Rows
Jumping Pull-ups
### Finish Position
The finish position for our thruster has the bar stacked over the middle of the body. To find the proper finish position more frequently, athletes can also envision another “circle” target directly over their ears. The goal is to hit this target on each rep. A couple way we can do this is to either think about punching the head through or launching the bar up and back. We’ll hold the finish position to give athletes a reference point to come back to.
### Movement Prep
5 Push Press
10 Second Overhead Hold
5 Front Squats
10 Second Front Squat Hold
5 Thrusters
Build to Workout Weight
# PRACTICE ROUND (25:00 – 30:00)
## 1 Round
100 Meter Run
3 Thrusters
3 Pull-ups
3 Burpees
# STRATEGY + WOD (30:00 – 60:00)
* The run will likely take less overall time and effort than the beep test will
* Let’s prioritize the work inside over a fast initial 1 mile run
## RUN
* Treat this like you are about to run 2 miles instead of 1
* Keeps you moving forward and sets you up nicely to thrive on the beep test
* Two options on how to approach each round:
* Go unbroken on the thrusters and pull-ups, slowing the burpees as your “recovery” station
* Break up the pull-ups into two sets from the beginning (this is the easier station to logistically break), steady pace on the burpees, and unbroken thrusters