May 27, 2019 – CrossFit for Health

Y3T Week 1 – Heavy

We're performing Y3T Protocol made famous by Neil Young.

Week 1 is 5 sets x 4-6 reps
Week 2 is 4 sets x 8-10 reps
Week 3 is 3 sets x 12-15 reps

We aim to be repeating this for 6 weeks (2 Cycles) Before changing movement / scheme

A. Alternating Sets: Back Squat, Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Row

5 sets, for quality, of:
A1. 4-6 Back SquatsA2. 4-6 Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows

B. 12 minute AMRAP of Goblet Lunges, AbMat Sit-Ups, and Kettlebell Swings

As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 12 minutes:
16 Goblet Lunges
16 AbMat Sit-Ups
16 Kettlebell Swings

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