September 11, 2020 – CrossFit for Health

A. "Mirror, Mirror"

For Time:
800 Meter Run
21 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (50's/35's)
400 Meter Run
7 Rope Climbs
400 Meter Run
21 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (50's/35's)
800 Meter Run
Scoring: Not Scored

* This big chipper workout combines odd-object weightlifting, high skilled gymnastics, and simple cardio
* This is intended to be a medium-long range workout
* Your score is the total time to takes to complete the listed work
* We expect this workout to take between 18-28 minutes to complete

* We're looking to choose a moderate set of dumbbells for this station
* This should be a weight that allows you to complete the 21 reps in 2 sets when fresh
* Only one head of the dumbbell needs to make contact with the floor in the bottom

* Choose a rep number or variation that allows you to clear this station in under 4 minutes
* The prescribed height for both men and women is 15 feet
* See further down the page for a list of "modifications"

## RUN
* If you're unable to run, check out the "modifications" section for more options

# GENERAL WARM-UP [5:00-12:00]
## Warmup Run
400 Meters Easy

## 2 Rounds
*With Light Dumbbells:*
30 Seconds Pausing Single Dumbbell Goblet Squats (3 Seconds in Bottom) [Video](
30 Seconds Lateral Hops Over Dumbbell
30 Seconds Double Dumbbell Plank Rows (Alternating) [Video](
30 Seconds Dumbbell Warrior Squats [Video](

# MOBILITY [12:00-15:00]
## Dumbbell Ankle Stretch: 45 Seconds Each Side

## Wrist Stretch: 30 Seconds Each Side

[Click Here](
### Wait to Pull
With two pulling movements taking place inside the gym, the teaching points will be the same. To avoid taxing the arms too much, let's wait to pull with the arms until the hips and legs straighten. This timing will make these two challenging movements much easier to complete. When the arms aren't excessively fatigued, we can hold on longer and finish the workout faster. One thing that can help is flexing the triceps to lock the arms. When the triceps are flexed, it's almost impossible to bend the arms. When you're dead hanging from the rope today, show off those arms by flexing hard.

### Coming Back Down
The way back down is often the most difficult part of the rope climb. Controlling the way down with the arms can be more damaging than pulling too early on the way up. To avoid this, let's maintain good tension in the feet. If the feet come too far apart, we are literally using all upper body to control the descent. The feet should still be connected to the rope. We're simply releasing tension a little bit to get down. Keep squeezing, just not as hard.

### Movement Prep
15 Second Dead Hang (Triceps Flexed)
5 Dead Hang + Knees Up
3 Dead Hang + Foot Locks
1 Rope Climb

### Wait to Pull
The idea on the dumbbell squat cleans are the same as the rope climb. Keep the triceps flexed until we extend with the lower body. It's tempting to do some biceps curls, but let's hold off until after the workout. We'll practice some straight arm jump shrugs before completing full cleans to hammer this point home.

### Coming Back Down
On the way back down, we want to avoid what we call "squatting the weight twice". This can be very taxing on the quads and force us to break early. The main thing we're looking for when going into the next rep is that the hips are above the knees instead of below parallel. The other things to consider are keeping the should blades over the bells and keeping the back flat. *See the Daily Video for both Squat Clean teaching points.*

### Movement Prep
*With Lighter Dumbbells:*
5 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
5 Jump Shrugs
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans

# PRACTICE ROUND [25:00-30:00]
## 1 Round
*With Workout Weights:*
3 Dumbbell Squat Cleans
200 Meter Run
1 Rope Climb

# STRATEGY + WOD [30:00-60:00]
* Today's workout will center around the most challenging movements: the dumbbell squat cleans and rope climbs
* You can adjust your running pace to support your ability to thrive on those two movements
* If the dumbbell squat cleans and/or rope climbs are very challenging for you, the runs become way less important than maximizing your abilities inside
* If you are proficient on these challenging movements, your running speed will matter a lot more

* If these are challenging for you, quick sets with quick breaks will likely be the best approach
* This allows you to focus more on staying in a solid and efficient position, which is very helpful whenever we're using two dumbbells at once
* However, if you feel comfortable with big sets, you'll be able to clear this station substantially faster
* Consider the following options:
* **1 Set:** 21
* **2 Sets:** 12-9
* **3 Sets:** 8-7-6
* **4 Sets:** 6-6-5-4
* **5 Sets:** 5-5-4-4-3
* **6 Sets:** 6-5-4-3-2-1
* **7 Sets:** 3's

* Getting a good lock with the feet will be crucial today
* With a lot of reps in a row, a good lock with the feet means less strain on the upper body
* When we have to rely on the upper body to do all the work, we are forced to rest longer between reps
* Upper body dominant rope climbs also make the pull of the dumbbell squat cleans more challenging
* Focus first on good technique, as it directly affects your ability to move quickly and efficiently

## Intervals
4 Rounds For Max Total Bar Muscle-ups:
300 Meter Row @ 2k Pace + 20 Seconds
200 Meter Row @ 2k Pace + 15 Seconds
200 Meter Row @ 2k Pace + 10 Seconds
1 Minute Max Bar Muscle-ups

For Time:
800 Meter Run
21 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (50's/35's)
400 Meter Run
21 Strict Pull-ups
400 Meter Run
21 Dumbbell Squat Cleans (50's/35's)
800 Meter Run

**Dumbbells:** 50's/35's


## 800 METER RUN
* 1,000 Meter Row
* 2,000 Meter Bike Erg
* 800 Meter Ski Erg
* 50/35 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
* 80/60 Calorie Schwinn Bike
* 600 Meter Trueform or Air Runner
* 60 Shuttle Runs [10 Meters]

## 400 METER RUN
* 500 Meter Row
* 1,000 Meter Bike Erg
* 400 Meter Ski Erg
* 25/18 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
* 40/28 Calorie Schwinn Bike
* 300 Meter Trueform or Air Runner
* 30 Shuttle Runs [10 Meters]

* Reduce Reps
* Reduce Height
* Max Reps in 4 Minutes (7 Max)
* 40 Strict Pull-ups

* 42 Single Dumbbell Squats Cleans [Video](
* 21 Barbell Squat Cleans (135/95) (K: 61/43)
* 42 Medicine Ball Squat Cleans [Video](
* 80 Jumping Air Squats [Video](

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