A. Dumbo
5 Rounds [25 Minute Time Cap]:
21/15 Calorie Assault Bike OR 30/21 Row OR 20 Shuttle Runs
18 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches (50/35)
15 Burpees
12 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups (50/35) (24"/20")Scoring: Not Scored
* Today's workout combines odd-object weightlifting with machine and bodyweight movements
* This longer 5-rounds piece has a 25 minute time cap [5 minutes per round average]
* The rough time line we're looking for at each movement to finish under the cap looks like this:
* **Bike:** ~2 Minutes
* **Dumbbell Snatch:** ~1 Minute
* **Burpees:** ~1 Minute
* **Step-ups:** ~1 Minute
* Choose rep numbers, weights, and variations that ideally allow you to complete the workout within this time frame
* If you finish the workout, note your time to completion in the scoring section
* If you don't finish the workout, put 25:00 as your score and record total work completed in the notes section
* Alternate hands every rep for a total of 9 each side
* Choose a weight that you could complete for 30+ reps unbroken when fresh
* The weight you use for this station and the step-ups can be different if needed
* You can hold the dumbbell however you'd like for this station (hang, shoulder, goblet)
* Alternate legs every rep for a total of 6 each side
* Use a weight and height that allows you to complete each round with 1 break max
* These are regular burpees
* You can jump-up or step-up off the floor
* Finish at full extension with some air under the feet and a small clap overhead
* If you're short on bikes, stagger heats by 3 minutes to avoid overlap
* See all the way down the page for "modifications"
# GENERAL WARM-UP [5:00 – 12:00]
## 3 Rounds
### 30 Seconds Each
Bike (Increase Intensity Each Round)
Light Single Dumbbell Deadlifts (Between the Legs for 15 Seconds Each)
Inchworms to Push-up [Video](https://youtu.be/Et0WRT6Q3sA)
Alternating Box Step-ups (Low Box) [Video](https://youtu.be/-a7dxXLXw_4)
# MOBILITY [12:00 – 15:00]
## Child's Pose on Box: 45 Seconds
## Pigeon Pose on Box: 45 Seconds Each Side
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/jsJ383TYrS8)
# TEACHING + SPECIFIC WARMUP [15:00 – 25:00]
### Stay Square
One of the big themes in todays workout is *staying square.* With this being a single arm movement, there is always the potential that we rotate or twist as the bell comes off the ground. Just like in a single arm farmers carry, we have to use the core to work on anti-rotation. When done properly, this looks more like a normal deadlift than trying to start up a lawn mower. To work on this, we'll practice slow and controlled deadlifts from between the legs.
### Keep It Close
Another theme in the workout is *keeping it close.* There are 3 places in the dumbbell snatch where we can keep this in mind:
1. Keep the Bell Close to the Body on the Way Up
2. Keep the Elbow Close to the Ear in the Finish
3. Keep the Bell Close to the Body on the Way Down
### Movement Prep
*Each Side with Lighter Dumbbell:*
5 Deadlifts (Stay Square)
5 High Pulls (Bell Close to Body)
5 Strict Press (Elbow By the Ear)
5 Dumbbell Snatches (Put it All Together)
### Stay Square
We talked about avoiding too much rotation on the dumbbell snatches. On the bike, we can think of something fairly similar. While there will be a little natural rotation, we want to avoid moving our torso excessively from side to side. Look to keep the shoulders and hips square to the front of the room. Maintaining a braced core allows you to put more of your energy into the machine and less energy into moving your body from side to side.
### Movement Prep
30 Seconds Moderate Bike
### Stay Square
In the single dumbbell box step-up, we're also looking to stay square when stepping up to the box. As you push through the front leg, look to keep the shoulders level instead of dipping excessively towards one side. With an unbalanced load, we have to work even harder to maintain a good position. A braced core and proud chest will allow for more stable step-ups.
### Keep It Close
Keeping it close here refers to keeping the feet close to the base of the box when on the ground. This can make it easier on the leg muscles and easier to maintain a good position, as we won't have to *lunge* forward to get the foot up. Setting up closer also makes it easier to get the foot fully on the box. When we step too far off the box, we're more likely to end up with the foot on the front edge. When we step off and stay close, the foot naturally tracks closer to the middle of the box, allowing for a strong push down through the heel.
### Movement Prep
12 Alternating Box Step-ups (No Weight)
6 Alternating Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups (Light Weight)
*Build to Workout Weight*
# PRACTICE ROUND [25:00 – 30:00]
## 1 Round
*With Workout Weight:*
4 Calorie Assault Bike
4 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches (2/Side)
4 Burpees
4 Single Dumbbell Box Step-ups (2/Side)
# STRATEGY + WOD [30:00 – 60:00]
* With challenging movements and 5 rounds of work ahead, we're not looking to move that fast
* Rather than thinking fast movement, let's focus on smooth movement on each station
* Smooth means you're moving at a speed where you never really have to stop
* The following tips can be helpful in helping you staying moving for all 5 rounds:
* Treat the first 2 rounds like a buy-in to the workout
* Find a place to breathe on every movement
* Switch hands on the floor for the dumbbell snatches
* Rest the dumbbell on one shoulder for the step-ups so you don't have to put it down
* The dumbbell movements are the two stations that we'd be *most likely* to stop moving on
* Being efficient on the dumbbell with the tips above can help you get the most out of the workout