August 27, 2020 – CrossFit for Health

A. Strict Nicole

400 Meter Run
Max Strict Pull-ups
Scoring: Not Scored

* Today we're completing the strict version of a classic benchmark workout
* The original workout calls for kipping pull-ups, but we'll work on upper body strength with strict pull-ups here
* After completing a 400 meter run run, you'll complete max unbroken strict pull-ups
* You can pause in a dead hang, but once the hands leave the bar or you have to kip, the set is over
* Keep a running count of how many strict pull-ups are completed within each set
* Your final score is the total number of strict pull-ups completed over the 20 minutes
* There is no score for the run, it's simply there as work between each set of pull-ups
* You can expect to have about 6-7 attempts at pull-ups
* This is a repeat workout from 5.21.19

* Choose a variation that allows you to complete at least 7 reps per round
* See all the way down the page for "modifications"

# GENERAL WARM-UP [5:00 – 12:00]
## Line Drills
High Knee Karaoke
Over the Hurdle
Knee to Chest
Cradle Stretch
Walking Samson
Lunge & Twist (Over Front Leg)
Toe Touches
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Straight Leg Hops
Side Shuffles
Side Shuffle with Jumping Jacks
Toes Out Walk
Toes In Walk
Heel Walk
Toe Walk
Outside Foot Walk
Inside Foot Walk
Fast Feet

**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](

# MOBILITY [12:00 – 18:00]
## Banded Lat Stretch: 40 Seconds Each Side

## Banded Hamstring Stretch: 40 Seconds Each Side

## Banded Cross Body Stretch: 40 Seconds Each Side

[Click Here](

# TEACHING + SPECIFIC WARMUP [18:00 – 25:00]
## RUN
### Breathing
The runs today are opportunities to recover the arms and bring the heart rate back down. Dialing in your breathing will allow for a calm mind, smooth pace, and a steady flow of oxygen to your muscles. We can aim to breathe from the belly and try out a 2:2 ratio. This means you inhale for 2 seconds, then exhale for 2 seconds. We can feel this out here at a slow pace to get the rhythm down. Based on your speed and comfort level, you can even try extending this to 3:3 or 4:4. Listen to your inhales and exhales during movement prep and the practice round to bring your attention to rhythmic breathing.

### Movement Prep
100 Meter Slow Run (2:2 Ratio)

### Full Body Overview
Today is all about the strict pull-up. We'll touch on full body points of performance from head to toe. The most important thing in this workout is choosing a variation that allows for these points of performance to maintained. We'll feel out most of these points of performance with the PVC Hollow Hold before getting up to the bar. If you'd like, you can write these up on a white board for athletes to reference before the workout begins:
* **Hands:** Hands at shoulder width with pinkie knuckle over the bar for leverage and better back engagement
* ** Elbows:** Elbows completely locked at the bottom of each rep
* **Head:** Maintain a neutral head to stay hollow with the chin passing over the top of the bar on each rep
* **Shoulders:** Keep an active shoulder by pulling the shoulder blades towards your butt
* **Belly:** Hollow out through the middle of the body by "stapling" the ribs and hips together
* **Legs:** Legs stay long, glued together, and slightly forward of the body through the full range of motion

### Options For Strength In Vertical Motion
With this being an opportunity to work on strict pull-up strength, there are 3 options outside the typical modifications that can be helpful in accomplishing this:
1. **Jumping Pull-ups to Negative:** [Video](
2. **Seated Strict Pull-ups on Barbell:** [Video](
3. **Banded PVC Pull Downs:** [Video](

### Movement Prep
30 Second PVC Hollow Hold [Video](
10 Scap Pull-ups [Video](
30 Second Hollow Hold on Pull-up Bar
1-3 Strict Pull-ups

# PRACTICE ROUND [25:00 – 30:00]
## 1 Round
100 Meter Run
2-4 Strict Pull-ups

# STRATEGY + WOD [30:00 – 60:00]
* The strategy for today's workout is fairly simple
* Move at a light-moderate speed on the runs that supports upper body recovery
* Go for an unbroken set of strict pull-ups
* Unbroken pull-ups doesn't mean you have to go to complete failure
* You *could* dead hang for 10 seconds to squeeze out 1-2 more reps, but it might do more harm than good in the long run
* Leaving the extra rep or two in the tank may allow you to hold more consistent rounds across the board
* If you're running towards the end of the workout and know you won't have time for another full 400, look to slow your running speed even more
* This allows you even more rest for one final good set of strict pull-ups before the clock expires

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