A. 1 Snatch @ 100%
Build to Heavy Single in 15 Minutes
B. Over and Out
For Time:
20 Power Snatches (95/65)
20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
20 Overhead Squats (95/65)
20 Lateral Barbell Burpees
20 Squat Snatches (95/65)Scoring: Not Scored
* The big focus of this 2-part workout is the snatch
* We'll build to a heavy squat snatch before completing lighter snatches and overhead squats in "Over and Out"
* We last completed this sprint style chipper workout on 12.28.18
* The intended time range for this workout is between 5-10 minutes
* Cap this piece at 10 minutes (~2 minutes per station) to preserve the desired stimulus
* As we get further along in the workout, the difficulty of the barbell movement will increase
* For this reason, we're likely choosing our barbell weight off the squat snatch
* This should be a weight that you can cycle for 12+ unbroken squat snatches when fresh
* All weights are intended to be on the lighter side today
* For athletes with no goals of competing or who struggle with mechanics, replace all squat snatches with power snatches
* You can jump-up or step-up off the floor
* Jump over the bar with two feet for "RX"
* There is no need to stand to full extension on the jump over
# GENERAL WARM-UP [5:00 – 12:00]
## 2 Rounds
### 30 Seconds Each
Lateral Squats [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTlsrgLBxUU)
PVC Pass Throughs [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLup2Kn9INM)
Inchworms to Push-up [Video](https://youtu.be/Et0WRT6Q3sA)
PVC Overhead Squats [Video](https://youtu.be/AeoiSQnrHV8)
Active Spidermans [Video](https://youtu.be/tGxCop_0yRQ)
## Snatch Biased Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Presses
5 Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlifts
5 Overhead Squats
**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](https://youtu.be/CwWpf4B1kxM)
# MOBILITY [12:00 – 15:00]
## Wall Squat with PVC : 1 Minute
## PVC Sotts Press: 1 Minute
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/ievz9N2tu0M)
# TEACHING + SPECIFIC WARMUP [15:00 – 25:00]
### Snatch Lift Off
The first two movements, the power snatch and overhead squat, add up to a squat snatch. We're going to work three different drills here that will prepare us nicely for all barbell movements. The first drill is called the Snatch Lift Off. This is a partial snatch deadlift to knee height that improves positioning off the floor. The goal here is to move at a controlled speed that enables the hips and shoulders to move together. *Take a look at the Daily Video for a visual of all barbell teaching points for the day.*
### Power Snatch Into Overhead Squat
The second drill is the power snatch into overhead squat. You could also think of this movement as a squat snatch with a pause halfway under the bar. After power snatching the weight, we'll pause for 3 seconds before descending into an overhead squat. The goal here is to improve the receiving position by meeting the bar in a fairly high position with proper footwork and hip placement. In a perfect world, the footwork for the power snatch and squat snatch are the same.
### Movement Prep
30 Seconds PVC Snatch Lift Offs
30 Seconds PVC Power Snatch Into Overhead Squats
10 Barbell Snatch Lift Offs
5 Power Snatch Into Overhead Squats
### Tempo Pausing Overhead Squats
Tempo overhead squats will improve your ability to control the bar and body through the full range of motion. We'll take 3 seconds to squat down, pause for 3 seconds, then stand at regular speed. Slowing things down allows you to focus on maintaining balance, proper positioning, and a constant upward pressure into the bar. This will transfer over nicely to the overhead squats and squat snatches today.
### Movement Prep
5 PVC Tempo Overhead Squats (3 Seconds Down + 3 Seconds Pause)
5 Barbell Tempo Overhead Squats (3 Seconds Down + 3 Seconds Pause)
5 Overhead Squats
### Full Squat Snatch
We'll finally put everything together will the full squat snatch:
1. Controlled First Pull Off The Floor
2. Receive Bar With Proper Foot and Hip Position
3. Maintain Balance Through the Full Squat
### Movement Prep
5 PVC Squat Snatches
5 Barbell Squat Snatches
# SQUAT SNATCH [25:00-40:00]
* Athletes will have 15 minutes to build to a heavy single squat snatch
* Let's plan on using the whole 15 minutes, with the goal being to get a lot of reps in
* Spend the first half of this window on lighter weights before building up more
* Getting more reps in allows for a lot of feedback on technique and positioning
* Look to make it around to each athlete for at least 1-2 pieces of feedback
* It's easier to make change here than it is during the metcon
# PRACTICE ROUND [40:00 – 45:00]
## 1 Round
*With Workout Weight:*
3 Power Snatches
3 Overhead Squats
3 Squat Snatches
3 Lateral Barbell Burpees
# STRATEGY + WOD [45:00 – 60:00]
* The power snatch will be the easiest of the three barbell movements, but probably the least important
* We're starting the workout fresh on this station, so you *could* go with larger sets
* Let's balance out *could* vs. *should* here
* Make sure your approach sets you up to thrive through the two more difficult barbell movements later on
* Consider the following break-up options for quick sets:
* **1 Set:** 20
* **2 Sets:** 10-10
* **3 Sets:** 8-7-5 or 10-5-5
* **4 Sets:** 5-5-5-5
* **5 Sets:** 4-4-4-4-4
* Since the barbell doesn't come back to the ground like the snatches, look to hold on for bigger sets
* Ideally, this station is completed in 1-2 sets (20 or 10-10)
* This is the slowest of all the barbell movements, so make sure to breathe through the full range of motion
* With the squat snatch being such a large range of motion, it may be best to cycle smaller sets than you did on the power snatches
* Since this is the last station, make it your goal to rest as little as possible
* Smaller sets, very fast singles, or a combination of the two may be preferable to big sets with big breaks between
* Consider the following options:
* **1 Set:** 20
* **2 Sets:** 10-10
* **3 Sets:** 8-7-5 or 10-5-5
* **4 Sets:** 5-5-5-5
* **5 Sets:** 4-4-4-4-4
* **6 Sets:** 5-5-4-3-2-1
* **20 Sets:** Singles
* **Combo Approach:** Max Unbroken Set + Fast Singles to the Finish
* We'll always be moving on the lateral barbell burpees, but that's not the case for the barbell movements
* The important thing here is to find a speed that supports your barbell plans
* Move at a pace that allows you to pick up the bar within 5 seconds of finishing your final burpee
* If you're very confident cycling this weight on the barbell under fatigue, look to speed up your burpees
* If you know the barbell will be challenging under heavy breathing, slow down and breathe through your burpees