April 24, 2020 – CrossFit for Health

A. Momo Live #6

Warm Up

2-4 rounds:
5 per side lunge, 5 reps of superman hold with reach (bring elbows to sides and reach out as far as possible),
5 inch worms,
5 per side lunge pushing knee forward with heel on the ground,
5 per side single leg glute bridge,
30s in the bottom of a Squat with elbows pushing knees out


4 rounds for time: (Time Cap 30min)

20 High Knees (10 per leg),
20 Jumping Jacks
20 High Knees (10 per leg)
20 Jumping Jacks
20 Squat Jumps
15 Burpees
15 Glute Bridges
10 Side Lunges -5L/5R alternating-
15 Up Downs with Shoulder Tap (tap each shoulder once when in plank)

Scaling Guide: 24 – 34 minutes, about 6-7 min per round. Scale Up: 5 rounds.

Coaching Tips: This is a long one! Pace the first couple rounds accordingly (do not sprint). Make sure you hit full depth on the Squat Jumps. Keep the feet close to your hips on the Glute Bridges to activate more glute and make sure you fully open the hips at the top. Go as low as possible on the Side Lunges, but make sure your knee is tracking over the foot (not way out in front or caving to the inside).Scoring: Not Scored

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