A. Clean and Jerk Complex
5 Sets:
3-Position Power Clean
3 Push JerksScoring: Not Scored
B. Practice Rounds
## 1 Round
*With Workout Weight:*
3 Clean and Jerks
3 Toes to BarScoring: Not Scored
C. Bottom Line
3 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
6 Toes to Bar
9 Clean and Jerks (135/95)
9 Toes to Bar
Increase by 3 Reps Each RoundScoring: Not Scored
* The clean and jerk is a big focus of this two part workout
* We'll work on positioning, speed, and strength in our opening complex
* After that, we'll complete our conditioning piece – "Bottom Line"
* Over the 7 minutes of work, we'll climb by 3 reps per round
* After the 9's, you'll progress to 12-15-18….
* Your score it total reps completed at the end of the workout
* Reference the below number for scoring:
* **Finish 3's:** 6 Reps
* **Finish 6's:** 18 Reps
* **Finish 9's:** 36 Reps
* **Finish 12's:** 60 Reps
* **Finish 15's:** 90 Reps
* **Finish 18's:** 126 Reps
* **Finish 21's:** 168 Reps
* **Finish 24's:** 216 Reps
* Choose a weight here that you could cycle for 12+ reps unbroken when fresh
* Within the workout, these will probably be completed as small sets or quick singles
* Let's choose a variation of toes to bar that you could 15+ reps unbroken when fresh
* Within the workout today, 3's is minimum number we want to hold
* You could also adjust the volume by starting at 1 or 2 reps and increasing by 1 or 2 reps per round
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/tVnmrgl-b5s)
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## 30 Seconds
Inchworm to Push-up [Video](https://youtu.be/Et0WRT6Q3sA)
Front Plank
Glute Bridges [Video](https://youtu.be/iRImeYTD2jU)
Inchworm to Push-up
Hollow Hold [Video](https://youtu.be/EJvFiNvuuXw)
Single Leg Glute Bridges (30 Seconds Each) [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQt2I73oL6Y)
Inchworm to Push-up
Arch Hold [Video](https://youtu.be/uHWynZ3tmvU)
Glute Bridge Walkouts [Video](https://youtu.be/gp4VBp8_WSY)
## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](https://youtu.be/Ff_dtGJKgxM)
# MOBILITY (12:00 – 15:00)
## Child's Pose: 1 Minute
## Front Rack Stretch: 1 Minute
# TEACHING (15:00 – 25:00)
### 3 Positions
We'll be working through three position on the power clean today, so we can also think about three positions on the toes to bar. These position are the hollow position, arch position, and head position. Specifically, lets bring our attention to the following aspects of these positions:
1. **Hollow:** Push down on the bar while aggressively driving the hands and feet towards each other
2. **Arch:** Pull the chest through while squeezing the legs tight behind the body
3. **Head:** Keep the eyes straight ahead, as looking down restricts our range of motion and breathing
### Movement Prep
10 Scap Pull-ups [Video](https://youtu.be/ORkwXCf7fko)
15 Second Hollow Hold on Bar
15 Second Arch Hold on Bar
10 Kip Swings
3 Knees to Chest
3 Toes to Bar
### Movement Subs
* Reduce Reps (Climb by 1's or 2's)
* Feet as High as Possible
* Knees to Elbow / Chest / Waist
### 3 Positions
The 3-position power clean is designed to help athletes work on different checkpoints of the movement. Within the power cleans during the workout, we can look to pass through all of these checkpoints. These 3 positions are:
1. **High Hang Position:** Shallow dip, bar at pockets, relatively vertical torso
2. **Hang Position:** Bar just above the knee, shoulders over the bar
3. **Floor:** Power clean from the floor
***See the Daily Video for More on the 3-Position Power Clean***
### Movement Prep
4 High Hang Power Cleans
4 Hang Power Cleans
4 Power Cleans
4 Push Jerks
3-Position Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks
# CLEAN AND JERK COMPLEX (25:00 – 40:00)
* This 6-rep complex is designed to be completed unbroken
* The three positions we're looking to hit in the Power Clean are:
1. High Hang (Pockets)
2. Hang (One Inch Above the Knee)
3. Floor
* Gradually build up in weight over the 5 sets as we work to something heavy for the day
* Complete a set every 2:00 – 2:30
# PRACTICE ROUND (40:00 – 45:00)
## 1 Round
*With Workout Weight:*
3 Clean and Jerks
3 Toes to Bar
# STRATEGY + WOD (45:00 – 60:00)
* While singles may be the most consistent option across the workout, sprinkling in some small sets may be appropriate for you
* One thing you could do to start each round of clean and jerks is complete a small set before going to quick singles
* **For Example:** On the set of 6's, you could start with 3 touch and go, followed by 3 quick singles
* This mix of sets and singles can help improve your score and keep you moving through this movement
* In order to stay consistent later in the workout, it's important today to start to break up your toes to bar before your movement starts to slow down
* Once the feet slow down and you have to grind out reps, it's much harder to come back for the next set
* Think about chipping away at each set by breaking them in half or into thirds
* **For Example:** You could complete the set of 12 as 6-6 or 4-4-4
* Be open to changing your plan of attack later in the workout if things get tough
* Do whatever you have to do to keep moving, even if that means opting for quick singles at some point