2-4 Rounds:
45 sec couch stretch,
5 dive bombers,
30 sec crab bridge,
10 alternating shoulder touches in plank
A. Manila Madness
4 cycles of 4 minutes.
2 minutes rest between cycles
20 Towel Rows or 10 Door Pull ups
Then max rounds:
10 Tuck Jumps
20 Mountain Climbers
(after 4 min cycle, 2 min rest, begin rounds where you left off on the last cycle)
Scaling Guide: 22 min total time. 9 – 13 Rounds, about 60-90s for the Towel Rows, then 1 min per round after.
Coaching Tips: Make the Towel Rows as hard as you can (you can do them single arm if needed). If you cannot do a Tuck Jump (because of ability or noise), just jump explosively in place (and land softly). Keep your hips low on the Mountain Climbers.Scoring: Not Scored