3 sets of
10 Push Up with shoulder taps,
10 Squat Jumps,
30s per side Side Plank.
Then 2 rounds of: 20s Crab Bridge, 5L/5R Deadbug
A. Blue Stream
15 minutes for quality
2-4-6… Lunge Jumps + 3s HS Hold or HSPU (Lunge, Lunge, HS Hold = 1 'rep')
40' Bear Crawl (20' = 2 "reps") or 20' HS Walk
50 Jumping Jacks
After 15 minutes:
800m run, 1000m row, or 3 min of 'Side Hops'
Scaling Guide:
NOT FOR TIME. Aim to finish the 10s to finishing the 16s. Optional: Record number of Lunge Jump + HS Combos completed and/or Run or Row time.
Coaching Tips:
Focus on technique and moving deliberately. Experiment with HS walks (if you are ready), before dropping to Bear Crawls. Use the Jumping Jacks as a pacer. Push hard on the final Run/Row/Side Hops.
Scoring: Not Scored