2-3 rounds:
9 Squat Jumps,
6 Inch Worms,
3 Bird Dogs,
1 Crab Bridge,
8-12 Hollow Rocks.
A. The Chief
5 cycles of 3 minutes, 1 minute rest between cycles
4 Broad Jumps 4*/5 feet
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats
Scaling Guide: 16-28 rounds, about 4.5 rounds per cycle
Coaching Tips: Try to do these in unbroken sets if possible. Push the pace on the transitions because of the 1 min rests. Don't let yourself get sloppy on the push-ups and the squats. Make sure you hit full range of motion for every rep! Primarily, no sagging push-ups where your thighs leave the ground before your chest and no squats above depth or without fully open hips at the top.
Scoring: Rounds and Reps (higher is better)