2 Rounds:
30 sec Jumping Rope or Jumping Jacks,
30 sec Plank,
5 Plank to Downward Dog,
30 sec Jumping Rope,
30 sec Hollow Hold,
10 Straight Leg Sit-ups (ideally touching toes),
30 sec Jumping Rope,
30 sec Squat Hold,
15 Air Squats
A. The Perfect Drug
In 20 mins, Perform as Many Reps as Possible
20 Side Lunges -10 Left, 10 Right, Alternating
20 V Up / Sit Up
1 min Rest
40 Side Lunges -10 Left, 10 Right, Alternating
40 V Up / Sit Up
1 min Rest
60 Side Lunges -10 Left, 10 Right, Alternating
60 V Up / Sit Up
1 min Rest
80, 100, …
Take your time on the Side Lunge/Squats. Focus on hitting full range of motion and keeping the foot flat. Go for big sets of V Ups early on but break them up in later rounds so you can do bigger sets of Jumping Jacks. It is easier to count if you face a different direction every 10 reps (think: North, South, East, West, walls). You can skip/shorten the last round of rest if it is after 18 minutes.Scoring: Reps (higher is better)