A. Practice Rounds
## 1 Round
*With Lighter Bar*
6 Wallballs
6 Hang Power Snatch
40s Row / Bike / Shuttle Runs
## 1 Round
*With Workout Barbelll:*
4 Wallballs
4 Hang Power Snatch
30s Row / Bike / Shuttle RunsScoring: Not Scored
B. Pinball
5 Rounds:
1 Minute Wallballs (20/14) / Dumbbell Thrusters
1 Minute Hang Power Snatch
1 Minute Row/Bike
1 Minute RestScoring: Not Scored
* We'll work for 3 consecutive minutes before resting for 1 in this 5-round workout
* Keep a running count of your reps for each round and record them on a whiteboard during your rest period
* Your score is total reps accumulated over the 5 rounds
* Choose a weight here that you could complete 30+ reps unbroken when fresh
* This is ideally a weight that allows for at least 15 reps per round within the workout
* This should also be a weight that you could cycle for 15+ reps unbroken when fresh
* Each round finishes on the Assault Bike
* If unable to Assault Bike, complete 1 minute on any other machine
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/Y0a6B5MTqus)
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## 1 Minute
Easy Bike
Active Samson [Video](https://youtu.be/jGVMgxjPORo)
Air Squats
## 45 Seconds
Moderate Bike
Active Spidermans [Video](https://youtu.be/tGxCop_0yRQ)
Dumbbell Goblet Squats [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJWKhWkVmPA0)
## 30 Seconds
Faster Bike
Push-up to Down Dog [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPhA5b-P34Y)
Medicine Ball Squats
# MOBILITY (12:00 – 15:00)
## Dumbbell Ankle Stretch: 45 Seconds Each Side
## Dumbbell Squat Hold: 45 Seconds
# TEACHING (15:00 – 25:00)
### Scrape Your Shoe
The combination of bike right into wallballs can be pretty "quaddy". We can make take some strain off the quads by pretending to scrape mud off the shoe in the bottom of each rotation. This action of pulling back and up can recruit more of the posterior chain and prevent excess quad burn.
### Chin
Something to be aware of while on the bike is keeping the chin up. Athletes often tilt their whole head down to look at the screen, which can restrict breathing. Keep the chin up as you ride and only move the eyes down to the screen to make for easier breathing.
### Movement Prep
30 Seconds Moderate Bike
### Use Your Whole Shoe
The wallball demands more balance than a typical front squat due to the larger range of motion and the fact that we have to catch a falling weight. To maintain better balance in this movement, think about getting the whole bottom of the shoe on the ground. If we had paint on our shoes, it would make a perfect imprint on the floor. Pushing the big toe, pinky toe, and heels into the ground can also help us use more muscle than just driving from the front of the foot.
### Chin
A technique that can help with good ball position and take some of the demand off the shoulders is using the chin as a third point of contact. Rather than just having the hands underneath the ball, athletes can rest the very bottom of the ball on the chin throughout the squat portion of the movement.
***See the Daily Video for a Visual of This***
### Movement Prep
5 Pausing Front Squats (3s in Bottom)
5 Front Squats
5 Push Press
5 Wallballs
### Movement Prep
*With Lighter Weight:*
15 Seconds Deadlifts
15 Seconds High Pulls
15 Seconds Strict Presses
15 Seconds Hang Power Clean
# STRATEGY + WOD (35:00 – 60:00)
* There are many ways to attack this interval workout, with the goal on all of them being consistency across the 5 rounds
* Consistency means keeping your highest scored round and lowest scored round within about 5 reps of each other
* In order to do that, you can try out one of the following strategies:
1. Complete 2 rounds of :20 seconds on and :10 seconds off on the wallballs and dumbbell power snatches. Finish out with 1 minute straight on the bike.
2. Complete 1 set of :40 seconds on and :20 seconds off on the wallballs and dumbbell power snatches. Finish out with 1 minute straight on the bike.
3. Set a goal number for each movement in the first round and make it your goal to match or beat it with each coming round.
* All of these strategies have built in rest in some capacity on the first two movements, while the bike would be completed straight out at an effort that is strong, but sustainable over 5 rounds
* The first two options are intervals within intervals that provide some rest and transition time to the next movement
* Sticking to the work/rest ratios can allow for consistent reps across the 5 rounds
* The last option allows you to choose where to break up your goal set
* **For Example:** If your goal is 18 wallballs, you can break it up into three quick sets of 6 without having to really look at the clock