February 28, 2020 – CrossFit for Health

A. Ground Ball

100' Walking Lunge
1 Rope Climb
15 Slam Balls (30/20)
1 Rope Climb
Scoring: Not Scored

* The score of today's workout is total rounds and reps completed at the end of 18 minutes
* In this 3-movement workout, we can expect athletes to complete around 5-6+ rounds

* Let's choose a rope climb variation that takes less than 30 seconds to complete for each rep
* Beyond the traditional rope climbs subs, we can modify volume here by only completing 1 rope climb per round
* In this case, we would eliminate the rope climb after the slamballs
* Consider these additional substitutions:
* 1 Halfway Up Rope Climb
* 2 Seated Rope Pulls
* 3 Strict Pull-ups + 3 Knees to Elbow
* 4 Kipping Pull-ups + 4 Knees to Elbow

**Movement Standards:**
* Alternate legs every step
* Back knee makes contact with the ground
* Lower body reaches full extension between steps

* Athletes can choose a slamball weight that allows them to complete the 15 reps with 1 break max
* [Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXCO6_6CAlc) for a video demo of a slamball
* At the top, just like in a burpee, we're looking for the hands to finish just overhead
* The arms do not have to reach full extension
* If unable to use a slamball, complete 20 alternating dumbbell snatches

[Click Here](https://youtu.be/ZEMGog-w0bA)

# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## Walking In 25' Increments
Quad Stretch
Knee to Chest
Cradle Stretch
Straight Leg Kicks
Side Lunges
Walking Samson Stretch
Walking Spidermans

[DEMO VIDEO](https://youtu.be/YoFx6sgqerY)

## In 50' Increments
Side Shuffle (Each Way)
Karaoke (Each Way)
Skip For Height
Skip For Distance
High Knees
Butt Kickers
Bear Crawl
Reverse Bear Crawl

## Slamball Warmup
### 30 Seconds Each
Romanian Deadlifts
Strict Press & Reach
Alternating Reverse Lunges
Front Squats

# MOBILITY (12:00 – 15:00)
## Banded 3-Way Shoulder: 30 Seconds Each Direction

# TEACHING (15:00 – 30:00)
### Points of Performance
We’ll direct most of our attention today to the slamballs and rope climbs. Let’s quickly touch on some notable points of performance on the walking lunge before moving onto today’s main focuses.
1. Vertical Shin in Bottom
2. Back Knee Touches the Ground Under the Hip
3. Stand Tall Between Steps

### Movement Prep
20 Seconds Reverse Lunges in Place
25’ Walking Lunge

### Arms Long
The combination of these two movements can be fairly taxing on the biceps if we bend the arms early on both. The arms will bend at some point on the slamball and the rope climb, but it’s the timing that’s important. Just like on a dumbbell snatch, we only want to bend the arms on the slamball after the hips open. Think of this movement like a two-arm ball snatch. Snap the legs open, then guide the bar overhead with a pull. On the rope climb, we also want to use the lower body before the upper body. It’s tempting to try to pull the body up with the arms, but the “dead hang” is our best friend. Cycling through the order of operations below will help us achieve efficient rope climbs:
1. Dead Hang
2. Bring Knees Up
3. Lock the Feet
4. Push the Legs Straight
5. Pull With the Arms

***See more on the Slamball and Rope Climb Combo in today’s Daily Video***

### Foot Height
How high athletes bring their feet can affect how much they use the arms. Getting the feet high is good, but only to a certain point. When the feet are too high, it’s impossible to press with the legs. In this case, athletes have to pull themselves back up into a position where they can get better leverage with the lower body. This is incredibly taxing on the upper body. Bring the feet up to the highest position possible that still allows for a strong push away with the legs. See a demonstration of this in the Daily Video.

### Slamball Movement Prep
5 Deadlifts
5 Deadlift + Straight Arm Jumps
10 Slamballs

### Rope Climb Movement Prep
10-15 Second Dead Hang
5 Hanging Knees Up
3 Hanging Foot Locks (Arms Extended)
3 Jumping Foot Locks
1-2 Rope Climbs

# PRACTICE ROUND (30:00 – 35:00)
## 1 Round
50' Walking Lunge
1 Rope Climb
10 Slam Balls
# STRATEGY + WOD (35:00 – 60:00)
* This workout is all about quality rope climbs
* Moving well on the rope climbs makes them much easier, especially when we're likely to climb into double digits reps
* If you're confident with your rope climbs under fatigue, getting you best score comes down to moving quickly through the slamballs and lunges
* If you know the higher skilled rope climbs are going to be a challenge, slow down your pace on the other two movements
* Moving at a smooth pace through the walking lunges and the slamballs will allow for more efficient rope climbs
* If you need to take a breather on the slamballs, consider the following sets:
* **2 Sets:** 8-7
* **3 Sets:** 5-5-5
## Lats Foam Roll:
1-2 Minutes Each Side

## Glutes Foam Roll:
1-2 Minutes Each Side

## Quads Foam Roll:
1-2 Minutes Each Side

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