A. Stranger Things
In teams of 2:
Teams of 2
3 Wallballs (20/14)
3 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
3 Calorie Bike/Row
6 Wallballs (20/14)
6 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
6 Calorie Bike/Row
9 Wallballs (20/14)
9 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
9 Calorie Bike/Row
Climb By 3's Each Round
*Athletes Switch After Completing Full RoundsScoring: Not Scored
* One athlete works at a time in this teams of 2 workout
* We'll complete full rounds before switching off
* Each athlete will complete every round before climbing in reps
* **For Example:**
Athlete 1: 3-3-3
Athlete 2: 3-3-3
Athlete 1: 6-6-6
Athlete 2: 6-6-6
* The final score for the day is total rounds and reps completed
* Every time one athlete finishes their round, score 1 round
* **For Example:** If the team makes it through the round of 15's, their score is 10 rounds
* If unable to Assault Bike, complete one of the following:
* Equal Calorie Any Machine
* 10 Meter Shuttle Runs
* Choose weights on both movements that allows for 25+ unbroken reps when fresh
* It's ok for teammates to use different weights
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/SlKRQISa3gw)
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## 30 Seconds
Easy Bike
Active Samson [Video](https://youtu.be/jGVMgxjPORo)
Squats to Medicine Ball
Kettlebell Romanian Deadlifts
Moderate Bike
Active Spidermans [Video](https://youtu.be/tGxCop_0yRQ)
Medicine Ball Reverse Lunges
Kettlebell Deadlifts
Faster Bike
Push-up to Down Dog [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPhA5b-P34Y)
Medicine Ball Squats
Russian Kettlebell Swings
***Rotate Through 4 Stations:***
1. Bike
2. Stretch
3. Medicine Ball (Workout Weight)
4. Kettlebell (Light Weight)
# MOBILITY (12:00 – 15:00)
## Child's Pose on Ball: 30 Seconds
## Kettlebell Ankle Stretch: 30 Seconds Each Side
## Kettlebell Squat Hold: 30 Seconds
# TEACHING (15:00 – 25:00)
### Ball Position
A good thing to keep in mind during the squat portion of the wallball is “laces in front of the face”. While the ball will likely return in a different way after each rep and the laces won’t necessarily be in front of the face, the benefit is in keeping the ball up and the chest up. When the chest drops, athletes have to move the weight a further distance and the ball has more of a chance to skim the wall early. When the ball is high and the laces are in front of the face, athletes are moving the ball a shorter distances from a better position.
### Movement Prep
10 Second Bottom Positon Hold
5 Pausing Front Squats (3 Seconds in Bottom)
5 Thrusters
5 Wallballs
### Bell Position
On any movement when an external load is being moved, we are looking to keep the weight balanced over the middle of the foot. In the kettlebell swing, we’re looking for the bottom of the bell to be pointed straight up towards the ceiling. If the bell points backwards overhead, it will pull athletes into a compromised back position. If the kettlebell hangs out front, the full range of motion is not being met.
### Movement Prep
*With Lighter Kettlebell:*
10 Second Overhead Hold
5 Russian Swings
10 Kettlebell Swings
*With Workout Weight:*
5 Kettlebell Swings
### Seat Position
In a team of 2 workout, it’s pretty likely that partners will be using different seat heights. The built in rest time is a great opportunity to adjust the seat to the ideal position for the teammate who is about to go. With the ball or their foot on the pedals, athletes should have a slight knee bend at the very bottom of the rotation. It’s best to avoid reaching for the pedals or excessively bending the knees like you’re riding a child’s bicycle. Find the seat height that works best for each partner and move it accordingly during the workout.
### Movement Prep
Establish Seat Heights
15 Seconds Moderate Bike (Each Partner)
# PRACTICE ROUND (25:00- 30:00)
## 1 Round
*Each Partner:*
3 Wallballs
3 Kettlebell Swings
3 Caloirie Assault Bike
# STRATEGY + WOD (30:00 – 60:00)
* With some rest built into today's workout, let's see how long we can stay unbroken on the weighted movements
* The lower rep rounds (3-6-9-12) are essentially the buy-in for the higher rep rounds (15+) later in the workout
* As the workout progresses, there is more work, but also more rest
* Once the wallballs and swings get up into the 15+ range, consider taking a quick break if needed
* It can be helpful to think of these larger sets in smaller mental chunks
* **For Example: **
* Instead of thinking about holding on for 15 reps, make it a mini-goal to just get to 8 reps
* If you're feeling good at 8, hold on until the finish
* If you need a quick break, take it knowing you're more than half way done
* With a longer workout today, sprinting on the bike from the beginning may not be the best approach
* It's easy to do that in the rounds of 3-6-9, but not necessarily later on in the rounds of 12-15-18
* Find a moderately fast pace to sustain on the machine across the board