A. Spike Ball
3 Rounds:
30m Walking Lunge /
30 Slam Balls (20/15)
30m Walking Lunge
30 Slam Ball Squats (20/15)Scoring: Not Scored
* Working through 3 rounds of 3 movements to finish out the week
* We expect this slam ball and body weight workout to take somewhere between 12-18 minutes to complete
* There is no weight used on these 100 foot lunges, only the body weight
* Ensure two main standards on this movement:
1. The back knee makes contact with the ground
2. The hips reach full extension between each step
* For athletes with knee pain or injuries, reverse lunges in place may be more forgiving on the joints
* In this case, complete 30 reps total, alternating legs every rep
* Choose a weight for the slam ball that allows you to complete each movement with no more than 1 break
* **Slamball:** [Demo Video](https://youtu.be/KXCO6_6CAlc)
* **Slam Ball Squat:** Hold the Ball Wherever is Most Comfortable
* If unable to use a slam ball, complete Russian Kettlebell Swings and Kettlebell Goblet Squats