A. Ab-sured
On the 3:00 x 6 Rounds:
24 AbMat Sit-ups
16/12 Calorie Bike/Row or 200m Run
5 Front Squat
*Build in Front Squat Weight*Scoring: Not Scored
* Combining strength and conditioning in today's interval workout
* Over the 6 rounds, we'll build to a heavy set of 6 barbell strict press
* Every 3 minutes, athletes will quickly work through the sit-ups and bike calories before getting a shot on the barbell
* There is no score as far as time goes, but the 3-minute windows are there to keep the sense of urgency high
* Our score today is the heaviest set of 6 strict presses completed
* These rounds are ideally completed in less than 2:30, giving athletes time to rest and change out barbell weights
* Adjust reps or calories as needed to preserve rest
* The barbell will start from the floor, meaning it should be a weight athletes can clean
* These 6 reps are designed to be completed unbroken
* There is the option to stay at the same challenging load across or to build in weight every round
* Plan out the weights and plates you'll need beforehand, which makes these rest periods between intervals more efficient
* The bike calories are designed take around 1 minute to complete
* Adjust calories or intensity as needed to get done in this time frame
* If you're short on bikes, stagger heats by 2 minutes
* If unable to Assault Bike, complete one of the following:
* Equal Calorie Bike Erg, Echo Bike, or Row
* 24/16 Calorie Schwinn Bike
* 200 Meter Run
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/2c8XvMxOwPY)
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## 3 Minute Bike
**Minute 1:** Easy
**Minute 2:** Moderate
**Minute 3:** Faster
## 45 Seconds Each
Upper Back Foam Roll
Banded Pass Throughs
Banded Pull Aparts
Banded Y's
Banded Strict Press
***See Banded Warmup Series Demo [Here](https://youtu.be/TSoXLYScjJo)***
## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](https://youtu.be/Ff_dtGJKgxM)
# MOBILITY (12:00 – 15:00)
## Barbell Thoracic Opener: 90 Seconds
[Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGoQN4GtT_U)
# TEACHING (15:00 – 30:00)
### Hips Down
The reason we use the AbMat instead of doing sit-ups to the floor is to enable the abdominal muscles to fully flex and fully extend on each rep, allowing for a greater range of motion and a more effective stimulus. It's important as we're doing these sit-ups to keep the hips on the ground just in front of where the AbMat meets the floor. If we sit on the pad or the hips come off the ground on the lay back, we lose out of some of the benefit of the movement because of this lower body motion. While we can definitely use the arms for assistance, make sure that the hips stay glued to the ground throughout the sit-up.
### Movement Prep
10 Slow AbMat Sit-ups
5 AbMat Sit-ups
### Midline
On any pressing movement, the goal is to keep a straight line from head to toe throughout the whole range of motion. This straight line in the strict press means we've kept our spine neutral, allowing the shoulders to do all the work like the movement intended. Let's be aware of staying rock solid from the head during these presses. We'll go through some dumbbell exercises beforehand that will help us better feel out a neutral spine position when we press weight overhead. We can then carry this over into the barbell strict presses, especially as the weight gets heavier under fatigue. ***See the daily video for a visual of this strict press progression.***
### Movement Prep
*20 Seconds With Light Dumbbell:*
* Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Strict Press (Each Side)
* Standing Single Arm Split Strict Press (Each Side)
* Standing Single Arm Strict Press (Each Side)
* Barbell Strict Press (Empty Barbell)
* Barbell Strict Press (Very Light Weight)
*Athletes can take the rest of the allotted time to plan out their weights and feel out the loads for at least the first 3 rounds*
# PRACTICE ROUND (30:00 – 35:00)
## 1 Round
9 AbMat Sit-ups
6 Calorie Assault Bike
3 Barbell Strict Presses
*Performed with Opening Weight*
# STRATEGY + WOD (35:00 – 60:00)
* The first thing athletes should do is plan out the weight jumps they are looking to make during the workout to make for easy transitions
* Keep in mind that we want to build to a heavy set of 6, but keep each round unbroken
* Let's aim to really challenge ourselves on the bike today, holding a faster pace, but one that is also realistically sustainable over the six rounds
* The movements that surround the bike, the sit-ups and strict press, don't get the heart rate up too much and are pretty much have a ceiling on how fast we can go
* For this reason, the biggest bang for your buck is in pushing the bike to get to the barbell quickly
* While there is no score for time, a strong effort on the bike is what gets us the best overall workout today
* Breathe through the sit-ups, crush the bike, and go for an unbroken set of strict press