A. Lethal Weapon
1 Round of "The Chief"
200 Meter Run
2 Rounds of "The Chief"
200 Meter Run
3 Rounds of "The Chief"
200 Meter Run
Continue to Add 1 Round Until Cap
1 Round of "The Chief":
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Push-ups
9 Air SquatsScoring: Not Scored
* Today we'll work through 200 meter runs and rounds of the Hero Workout ""The Chief""
* **1 Round of "The Chief":**
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
* The barbell should be a light-moderate weight that you could cycle for unbroken sets, but may opt for quick singles during the workout
* Choose a push-up rep number or variation that you can complete the 6 reps in 1-2 sets each round
* After each 200 meter run, the rounds of "The Chief" will increase
* Continue to add 1 round of "The Chief" until the 20 minutes is up
* Score this workout as total fully completed rounds + reps of "The Chief"
* **For Example:** If you finished all the rounds once you got to the "5 Rounds of The Chief", your score would be 15 Rounds (5+4+3+2+1)
* For simplicity, 200 meter runs will not count towards you score
* If unable to run, complete one of the following:
* 250 Meter Row
* 14/10 Calorie Assault or Echo Bike
* 400 Meter Bike Erg
* 20/14 Calorie Schwinn Bike
[Click Here](https://youtu.be/scfcj_Cla6U)
# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## 5 Minutes For Quality:
100 Meter Run
3 Inchworm to Push-ups [Click Here](https://youtu.be/Et0WRT6Q3sA)
6 Glute Bridges [Click Here](https://youtu.be/iRImeYTD2jU)
9 Slow Air Squats
## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](https://youtu.be/Ff_dtGJKgxM)
# MOBILITY (12:00 – 15:00)
## Pec Stretch on Wall: 30 Seconds Each Side
[Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Fo1Jva3tGc)
## Front Rack Stretch: 1 Minute
[Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg4ckXN2gqE)
## Squat Hold: 1 Minute
[Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSAp77tVH9k)
# TEACHING (15:00 – 25:00)
### Hips and Shoulders
The theme of all movement today is the hips and shoulders. On the air squats, let's make sure that athletes reach full lockout at the top of each rep by bringing the hips forward and the shoulders back. At the top, we're looking for a straight line from the head to the toes.
### Movement Prep
5 Slow Air Squats
5 Air Squats
### Hips and Shoulders
Proper push-ups involve the hips and the shoulders moving together throughout the whole range of motion. When athletes keep the hips too low or too high, it makes the movement easier by shortening the range of motion and by moving a lesser percentage of the body weight. If athletes need to modify the weight being pressed, they can elevate the hands to a box or do push-ups from the knees while maintaining full range.
***See the Daily Video for a Visual of the Push-ups and Power Cleans ***
### Movement Prep
15 Second Push-up Plank Hold (From Hands)
5 Push-ups
15 Second Bottom Push-up Hold
5 Push-ups
### Movement Subs
* Reduce Reps
* Hands on Box or Bench
* Knee Push-ups
### Hips and Shoulders
When pulling the bar off the floor, we're looking for the hips and the shoulders to rise together until the bar passes the knee. If the hips rise first, the bar stays put and we end up having to lift the weight with mostly the back from a long distance. If the shoulders rise first, we'll end up pushing the knees forward and making a tough bar path. ***See the daily video for a visual of the hips and shoulders moving together. ***
### Movement Prep
5 Clean Deadlifts
5 High Pulls
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
*Build to Workout Weight*
# PRACTICE ROUNDS (25:00 – 35:00)
## 1 Round
*With Lighter Weight:*
100 Meter Run
1 Round of "The Chief"
## 1 Round
*With Workout Weight:*
100 Meter Run
1 Round of "The Chief"
# STRATEGY + WOD (35:00 – 60:00)
* This workout is all about finding a way to stay moving
* We have a longer effort and increasing rounds
* It will feel like we can come out strong to start, because the rounds move quickly
* However, it's the rounds that aren't written in the workout description that truly count
* Once we get into the 4+ rounds of the chief is when this workout starts to get real
* Let's work hard and smart from the very beginning
* Within these rounds, we can find a place to push and place to pace
* If there is one station we can absolutely try to go with big sets, it's the push-ups
* There is no interference between the push-ups and any other movement, so try for unbroken sets if possible
* The movement that is up for debate is the power cleans
* While 3 is a small number that could be completed unbroken, singles might be the most consistent option across the board
* The air squats can help you go big on the cleans if that's the plan
* Slowing down the 9 air squats and catching your breath can then help you load up for an unbroken barbell set
* No matter what your initial strategy is, just find a way to not stop moving
* The runs go hand in hand with that thought – so run at the fastest pace that still allows you to crush the inside movements and helps you continuously move forward