January 10, 2020 – CrossFit for Health

A. Marston

1 Controlled Deadlift (315/205)
10 Toes to Bar
15 Lateral Barbell Burpees
Scoring: Not Scored

* Honoring Blake Marston, a fellow CrossFitter, on the 5 year anniversary of his passing
* Special Warfare Operator 1st Class William Blake Marston, 31, of Concord, NH died during Navy SEAL parachute training in DeLand, Fla., Saturday, Jan. 10, 2015, at the age of 31. Marston was assigned to an East-coast based SEAL Team and served in the Navy for six years. Marston completed SEAL Training in 2009. He was a member of CrossFit Rife.

* The big thing that sticks out on paper in this workout is the single heavy deadlift to start each round
* This should be a weight that is a little scary and pretty challenging, but one that allows you to move well without failing any reps
* The goal is not to go prescribed here, rather it is to lift something outside your comfort zone that is heavy for a single rep
* Choose a toes to bar variation that you are capable of completing 15+ reps unbroken when fresh
* You can step or jump out of the burpee, but must takeoff and land with both feet over the bar

[Click Here](https://youtu.be/BFl5GRBvE2Q)

# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## 5 Minutes For Quality
5 Push-up to Down Dogs [Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPhA5b-P34Y)
10 Straight Leg Sit-ups
15 Second Front Plank on Hands
20 Lateral Hops Over Barbell

## Barbell Warmup
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Strict Press & Reach
5 Romanian Deadlifts
5 Front Squats

**DEMO VIDEO:** [Click Here](https://youtu.be/Ff_dtGJKgxM)

# MOBILITY (12:00 – 15:00)
## Barbell Assisted Straddle Stretch: 1 Minute
[Click Here]()

## Pec Stretch on Wall: 45 Seconds Each Side
[Click Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Fo1Jva3tGc)

# TEACHING (15:00 – 25:00)
### Fall Down
We're going to need the upper body quite a bit for pushing down on the bar in the toes to bar, so let's preserve it as much as we can during the lateral barbell burpees. Let gravity do the work on the way down. Instead of controlling the descent with the arms, simply flop down to the ground each time. The work happens on the way up, not the way down.

### Movement Prep
3 Burpees
3 Lateral Barbell Burpees

### Pull Down on the Bar
A huge part of effective movement, whether it be weightlifting or gymnastics, is an active shoulder. This is the most stable position for the shoulder when working against a load. The 'scap pull-up' we commonly do in movement prep moves us from a dead hang to and active hang position. This active hang position is not only the most stable position for the shoulder, but it also allows us to maintain the best rhythm with our kip. During your toes to bar today, focus on constantly maintaining and active hang instead of a dead hang.

### Movement Prep
10 Scap Pull-ups [Click Here](https://youtu.be/ORkwXCf7fko)
10 Kip Swings
1-3 Strict Toes to Bar
5 Knees to Chest
3 Toes to Bar

### Movement Subs
* Reduce Reps
* Feet as High as Possible
* Knees to Elbow / Chest / Waist

### Pull Up on the Bar
We can use an unlikely body part to set us in a good position today with the deadlift: our ears. Before we lift the bar off the floor, we want to pull ourselves down into position by pulling up on the bar. When this happens, we’ll hear a little clicking sound made by the plates and bar. This is called “taking the slack out of the bar”. When we get rid of the slack, we engage our muscles, set the back into a good position, press the legs into the ground without lifting the bar, and squeeze the arms tight to the body. ***See the Daily Video for a visual of taking the slack out of the bar.***

### Movement Prep
*With Light Plates on the Bar:*
10 Deadlifts

*Build to Slightly Heavier Weight:*
5 Deadlifts

*Build to Weight 1 Jump Away From Workout Weight:*
Complete 1st Practice Round

# PRACTICE ROUNDS (25:00 – 35:00)
# 2 Rounds
*Performed With Lighter Deadlift Weight*
3 Deadlifts
3 Toes to Bar
3 Lateral Barbell Burpees

# 2 Rounds
*Performed With Workout Deadlift Weight*
1 Deadlift
2 Toes to Bar
3 Lateral Barbell Burpees

# STRATEGY + WOD (35:00 – 60:00)
* This workout is all about finding a rhythm and a way to keep moving for all 20 minutes
* The speed we begin with should be a speed we see ourselves holding around the 12-15 minute mark
* Use chips or tally marks to keep track of your rounds and reps
* Having a goal for each round split can also be helpful for staying focused on the task at hand in this longer workout
* **For Example:** 2 Minute Round Splits Gets You 10 Rounds Total

* The toes to bar is the only movement we'll break-up today
* There is truly no wrong option here – pick the strategy that you see yourself being able to move the most and rest the least with
* Here are some options:
* **1 Set:** 10
* **2 Sets:** 5-5 or 6-4
* **3 Sets:** 4-3-3
* **4 Sets: **4-3-2-1
* **5 Sets:** 2's
* **10 Sets:** Singles

* We can almost combine these two stations for max efficiency
* The goal on the burpees is to simply find a speed that allows you to immediately transition to the bar for the single deadlift
* Like we said before, the goal is to move for 20 minutes
* Pick a burpee pace that you could see yourself holding for 20 minutes straight
* This easy-moderate pace keeps you moving and keeps the heart rate on the lower side, allowing you to attack the barbell
* This controlled pace is better than fast burpees with breaks built in, as those are less consistent across the workout and keep you from continuing to move forward

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