April 19, 2019 – Fit For Life

A. 5 Rounds For Time of Handstand Push-Ups, Strict Pull-Ups, Bodyweight Walking Lunges, and AbMat Sit-Ups

5 Rounds for Time:
5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Strict Pull-Ups
Bodyweight Walking Lunge 30 meters
20 AbMat Sit-Ups

# “Helmet Hair”
5 Rounds:
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups
10 Strict Pull-ups
30m Walking Lunge
20 AbMat Sit-ups

* Big focus is the strict movements
* Should be able to complete in 1-2 sets when fresh.
* Athletes with no goals of competing can complete 10 push-ups or 5 moderately heavy barbell or dumbbell strict press

* No weight on the lunges, just bodyweight
* Set up tape of cones to mark off distances

# WOD BRIEF + GROUP WARMUP (0:00 – 12:00)
## Teams of 3 Relay
### AMRAP 5:
15 Right Arm Overhead AbMat Lunge
5 Sit-ups
15’ Left Arm Overhead AbMat Lunge

### AMRAP 5:
25’ Bear Crawl Down
5 Push-ups 
25’ Reverse Bear Crawl Back

*One partner works at a time. Lunge down with AbMat, complete 5 sit-ups or push-ups, lunge back with AbMat and switch off to next partner. Same format for part 2.

# MOBILITY (12:00 – 15:00)
## Banded Lat Stretch: 30 Seconds Each Side
Lace a stretching band onto a pull-up bar, and with one hand wrapped inside, face the band and step away to create tension. Allow your torso to pitch forward and allow the arm to relax into the stretch. If your right hand is inside the band, take a small step back with your right foot, and slowly rotate your torso to the right. This will further open and stretch your lat.

## Banded Triceps Stretch: 30 Seconds Each Side
Lace a stretching band onto a pull-up bar and wrap one hand inside. Face the chest away from the band with the elbow by the ear. Lean forward into the stretch, letting the band to most of the work.

## Banded Chest Stretch: 30 Seconds Each Side
Place band at shoulder height on rig. With one hand placed in the band, rotate chest away from the post to feel a stretch in the pec. Open up the chest and leg the band do the work to feel more of a stretch.

# TEACHING (15:00 – 30:00)
### Momentum
While the first two movement are pretty strait forward, there are a couple things we can think about on each. The first is momentum in the lunge. Just like when we run, the goal is to move forward. As athletes step forward, they can aim to have a slight lean forward with the shoulders while maintaining a relatively vertical shin. This subtle lean keeps the wheels spinning instead of hitting the gas and breaks like we do with an overly upright chest. The transition to the next step here is smooth and not choppy.

### Knees
As we step forward, we can also look to point the knees and toes straight ahead while keeping them within shoulder width. We don’t want to be so narrow that we’re walking on a tight rope, but the knees should stay within the frame of the shoulders.

### Movement Prep
Establish Bottom Position
25’ Walking Lunge

### Momentum
While throwing the arms forward is common and effective, there is arguably more weight in the shoulders and upper trunk that there is in the arms. Still think about throwing the arms, but we can also add the shoulders into the mix. The more weight, the more momentum.

### Knees
There is no wrong way to position the knees during the sit-up, but the different options provide slightly different feels. In both of these, the full range of motion is shoulders to ground in the bottom and shoulders forward of the hips at the top of each rep. When the knees are out in a “butterfly” position with the bottom of the feet pressed together, athletes will be utilizing less hip flexor and more abdominals. When the knees are in, with the bottom of the feet grounded, athletes will be utilizing both the abdominals and hip flexors. No right or wrong option. Athletes should choose the one that come most naturally.

### Movement Prep
10 AbMat Sit-ups

## Kicking Up to The Wall
Today is a good day to get athletes a little more comfortable on the wall. Whether they’ve never done it before or just want to get up there easier, there are a few things to take note of:
1. Always keep the elbows locked. Pressing into the floor will prevent us from crashing down to the mat.
2. Keep one leg straight and throw it towards the wall.
3. Use the other leg to press through the floor
4. The wall is there for support. As long as the elbows remain locked, the wall will catch you as long as the feet get there with enough momentum.
5. Athletes getting up for the first time may benefit from setting their hands on the ground first
6. Athletes who can get up consistently by setting their hands down first may benefit from kicking up from a standing position
7. [Here](https://youtu.be/lz_DgZAFeLM) is a video of starting with hands down vs. starting from a standing position.
8. With each attempt, athletes will get a little more comfortable. It’s all about getting the reps in, making mistakes, and adjusting.

## Back First
One small paradigm shift that may make the strict handstand push-up a little easier to complete is thinking about pressing through the back instead of the triceps. Just like we do in any other movement, we prefer to use the biggest muscles first before passing off to the smaller muscles. While the triceps are definitely involved, let’s focus on initiating the movement by pressing with the back.

## Movement Prep
3-5 Minutes of Kick Up Practice
1-3 Strict Handstand Push-ups

### Movement Substitutions
Reduce Reps
10 Push-ups
5 Dumbbell Strict Press (35s/25’s) or 5 Barbell Strict Press (95/65)

### Back First
Just like in the strict handstand push-up, we can also think about using the back instead of the arms. The arms are involved, but they aren’t the main movers. Initiate the movement with the back and finish with the arms. It’s the equivalent of sending the hips back first in the air squat and then bending the knees. It uses the big muscles first and then passes off to the smaller muscles.

### Movement Prep
10 Scap Pull-ups
5 Strict Lat Press Downs
1-3 Strict Pull-ups

### Movement Substitutions
Reduce Reps
Banded Strict Pull-ups
Ring Rows

# REHEARSAL (30:00 – 35:00)
## 1 Round
1 Strict Handstand Push-up
2 Strict Pull-ups
4 Walking Lunge Steps (Each Leg)
8 AbMat Sit-ups

# STRATEGY + WOD (35:00 – 60:00)
* Take the total number (25) into account
* How would you break these up when fresh?
* Some options to take into consideration are below:
1 Set: 5
2 Sets: 3-2
3 Sets: 2-2-1

* Same idea here, but 50 is the total number
* 5’s, 3’s, and 2’s will be the most common options
* Options below:
1 Set: 10
2 Sets: 5-5 or 6-4
3 Sets: 5-3-2 or 4-3-3
4 Sets: 3-3-2-2

* These two stations take the workload from the upper body
* The more confident you are with the first two movements, the faster you can move here
* For athletes who struggle with the first two, we can slow it down a touch here to ensure quality strict sets

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