Push & Pull
Push and Pull
A. Alternating Sets: Deadlift, Half Kneeling One Arm Press, Hollow Body Hold
4 sets of:
A1. 6 DeadliftsRest as neededA2. 6 Half Kneeling One Arm PressesRest as neededA3. Hollow Body Hold for 30 secondsPerform every 2.00Start a set every 90 seconds
B. 12 minute AMRAP of Ring Dips, Bent-Over Barbell Rows, Kettlebell Swings, and Double-Unders
As Many Rounds and Reps as possible in 12 minutes:
– 5 Ring Dips
– 10 Bent-Over Barbell Rows
– 15 Kettlebell Swings
– 30 Double-Unders