Functional Body Building
A. Alternating Sets: Front Squat, Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Row
6 sets, starting a set every 90 seconds, of:
A1. 7 Front Squats (20X1 tempo)
7 Front Squats (20X1 tempo)
5 Front Squats (20X1 tempo)
5 Front Squats (20X1 tempo)
3 Front Squats (20X1 tempo)
3 Front Squats (20X1 tempo)
A2. 10 Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows (2111 tempo)
B. Evil Wheel 6 x 8-10
Evil Wheel
– 6 sets of 8-10 reps
Rest as needed
C. Rounds for Reps of Barbell Thrusters and Pull-Ups
For 4 Rounds spend 1 minute on each movement, trying to accumulate as many reps as possible:
– Barbell Thruster
– Pull-Up
Rest 2 minutes between each round